I’ve attended a few of the NFL chiropractors pre-season training seminars. What I really want to do is be a motorsports chiropractor. A good friend of mine practices right outside of Charlotte. Her patient base is almost exclusively NASCAR drivers and crew. I can’t really relocate to North Carolina, so I fantasize about winning the Powerball and buying my own Indy Car team just so that I can be the team doctor, and get good seats for the 500. I’m even a member of the International Council on Motorsport Science and Medicine. But I also have three of the Read more
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482017-09-19 06:16:522017-09-19 06:16:52Playing Through the Pain Part 3
Back in my day, if we got hurt playing ball; we were promptly examined and diagnosed by a highly trained professional. And by highly trained professional I mean the equipment manager. Our treatments alternated between ‘ice it down’ and ‘walk it off’.
Most of the patients we see are suffering from the long term effects of people who just tried to “walk off”
Old sports injuries
Auto injuries
Lawn care injuries
Sitting at the desk too long injuries
“Here, hold my beer” injuries
“Well, there was this girl/guy” injuries and so one
You’re not made of wine or cheese. More like milk; it won’t get better with just time. Let’s face it every athlete will have an injury at some point in time. But it is important to not just let injuries heal, but HELP them heal. My kids sometimes get injured too.
Example 1: Last season my youngest fell on stage and broke her arm having to get pins to allow it to heal correctly. She came back in 6 weeks from this injury but only because she did rehab. She was cleared by the orthopedic surgeon with no instructions; however she had restricted range of motion. Because her wrist was immobile for weeks she did not have any flexibility. She slowly did exercises to gradually increase the range of motion and the strength in the muscles in the affected area. Then as her arm became stronger she was able to do weight bearing tricks such as a hand stand, cartwheels, round offs and then she built up her strength until she could do a back hand spring. She is 100 % healed with no restrictions and more importantly no pain or restricted motion.
Example 2: My middle daughter was practicing jumps on a concrete floor. Not the best plan but she’s a kid. She bruised her heals. She was even having difficulty walking. Her instructions from Dr. Dad were to wear tennis shoes at ALL times. She was mortified. She even wore tennis shoes to dance. We also used cold laser and manual therapy. She argued and fought so we told her choices were to sit out or dance in tennis shoes for 2 weeks AND do her rehab. She chose my option and her feet healed right up and it has not returned.
Other common injuries that need HELP to heal:
Ankle sprains
Shoulder injuries
Shin splints or pain
Pain caused by common kid deceases such as
Severs ( heal pain )
But what can you do as a parent?
The first thing we can do is not do what our first inclination is to do-nothing. Sometimes we think that kids are just “belly-aching” to get out of something. Best rule-immediately ice the injury and have them sit the rest of the day. If there’s still any pain, swelling, deformity, complaints, altered function; if they’ve ‘lost a step’ or anywise not 100% the next day. Bring them in. Remember braces for knees ankles, etc. are not a long term solution.
Why is chiro a good choice for athletes?
We’re not just “back crackers.” We chiropractors (ok, me, can’t speak for everyone) are experts in the biomechanics of the ENTIRE human body. Which means we know if something ain’t right and how to make it right? Look to college and the pros most teams have a team chiropractor on site!
Facebook feelers
– What to do when your kid gets injured
– Chiropractor as a choice for athletes
– Does your kid have Severs?
– Does your kid Osgood sclatters
– My child was released by the orthopedic but they do not have the strength or the range of motion they did before
– My kids seems to always have shin splints
– my kid wears an ankle brace all the time for an old ankle sprain
– my kid wears knee brace for an injury whenever they play
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482017-09-01 07:26:022017-09-01 07:26:02Playing Through the Pain Part 2
When I was in high school I was a cheerleader (Just in case you couldn’t figure it out; Mrs Spine, not Dr. Lee, I know this is a shocker). My senior year I had pretty serious injury I fell directly on to my back from a stunt. My parents took the usual precautions. I went to my paediatrician then therapy and rest for 4 weeks. I was anxious to get back. When my parents asked how I was feeling I answered “great;” this was not true at all! I did not want to be benched so I lied every day. The actual truth was that I was in so much pain that when I got home from a game, all my muscles would tense up and spasm and I physically could not move for about 2 hours. Ultimately I played through the pain and was not patient enough to heal my injury. And I’m still paying for it today. If it wasn’t for my wellness and preventative care with Dr. Lee and Dr. Lam I don’t know what I’d do.
Let’s face it; kid’s sports have gotten more and more serious. Kids are playing more hours per week at a younger age. My own kids dance at a serious level. They are in the studio 5 days weeks for more than two hours per day.
Our kids are active now how we keep our kids healthy?
Avoid playing through the pain. When an injury happens; even less serious injuries when ignored can turn into a chronic issue. When an athlete of any type gets an injury, Ice is nice. Ice and rest are the best treatment for small injuries. Let the area heal completely. If after a few days the injury is still present seek treatment.
Prevent injuries.
Technique – proper technique is key in every sport. When children are taught proper technique body mechanics is preserved and they play better and injuries are avoided. Technique is not the most fin part but the basics in every sport should never be skipped.
Diet – anyone who has been at our dance studio have heard me say “you don’t eat you don’t dance” we are very strict on this. All my children must eat a healthy meal before and after practice. This meal contains a good source of protein. You must feed your body. And you are what you eat.
Sleep – My kids have very strict bed times even on the weekends. Your body heals itself when you rest it. Children who stay up late and are constantly tired are at risk for injuries.
Stretching & strengthening – In line with technique, not only should you know how to do whatever it is you’re trying to do, you need to make sure you’re physically able to. General and sport specific conditioning, strengthening are key. “Being in shape” also isn’t a once you’re there you’re there. You have to maintain. Proper stretching allows you to use more of the muscle and lengthens the pulley arm of the muscles and tendons. Making them not only more powerful but more resilient to injury.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482017-08-24 07:15:082017-08-24 07:15:08Playing Through The Pain
Many of my long-time fans remember that Magnesium was my favourite vitamin supplement. If you do, then you should remember my John Kerry/Mitt Romney moment when I flipped-flopped to liking Omega 3’s more.
Why do I like Omega 3? Omega 3 (Not 1, not 2 but 3) fatty acids are not just anti-inflammatories, but they are un-inflammatory.
Why is inflammation not my friend? Inflammation is the internal process that facilitates disease and symptoms. It is a complicated and multi-step process. Inflammation is caused by injuries and disease, but also what we eat. Mass produced and processed foods all cause inflammation as does Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids. Basically all the foods we Americans love cause inflammation.
Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9 what is the difference? If you remember chemistry the number tells us the structure and shape of the molecule; so not all Omegas are created equal. The amazing thing about Omega 3’s anti-inflammatory process is it supports the body’s natural healing ability and is also crucial to brain health. Most of you know this. That’s why you take your fish oil.
How do I know if I am getting enough Omega 3? Not only do we need to know if you are getting enough Omega 3 but are you taking the right product? Not all fish oils are created equal. Testing can be done to measure three things. Amount of inflammation, how much Omega 3 is in your cells, and brain health. What if I told you I could have your Brain and cellular health tested by a Nobel Prize nominated military scientist?
How do you measure inflammation and brain health? A prick of the finger gives you a wealth of information. Your brain’s health is measured by looking at essential fatty acid bio markers in your blood cells. These fatty acids are considered essential nutrients in the diet because they are a significant component of the cells that make up your central nervous system. Essentially the cells in the nervous system are made from fatty acid in your diet. To have a healthy nervous system your body requires sufficient levels of certain fatty acids (EPA & DHA) in your blood. A healthy nervous system is needed for proper regulation of all your body’s systems. Measuring and tracking your fatty acid levels over time is one of the most important things you can do to protect and optimize the health of your brain and body.
A healthy brain is an efficient brain. Your brain’s connections can become stronger or weaker over time due to many physical, nutritional, or emotional events. When your brain’s connections become stronger, your cognitive performance improves. Likewise, when you experience stress or nervous system interference, your cognitive performance is reduced.
This assessment also tests the capacity and efficiency of your brain. Focus, attention, memory, processing speed is all measured. A nutritional recommendation can be made, and a few changes to diet and supplements and we can improve your brain health.
The assessment is powered by the Brain Resource® International Database, a scientifically and clinically validated tool utilized by a research network of over 350 scientists. Your results show how you rank compared to others your same age.
Want your brain and cellular health tested for under $100? Let us know. 443-512-0025
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482017-07-07 05:05:502017-07-07 05:05:50Have You Tested Your Brain Health lately?
Not that long ago, I wrote “show me someone with a six-pack, and I’ll show you a dysfunctional back.” The news is full of stories of the over use of Opioids or pain medicine. And you have to look no further than Tiger Woods. Take a look at his midsection. The guy has (had) serious hour-glass abs. Well, while that looks amazing at the beach, it also disrupts the diaphragm’s ability to create a piston base allowing the oblique swing to create torque. Instead he relied on his spinal rotation to power those amazing drives. Well, that wore out his back. Herniated some discs; opted for surgery instead of conservative fix; got arrested for DUI of narcotics and barbiturates.
Locally, if you haven’t heard about the problems with heroin and narcotics, you must be living under a rock. We are swamped with opiates. For years pain meds have been handed out like candy as the band aid for all sorts of pain. Unfortunately it’s just that, a band aid a temporary fix. Pain meds do not fix the reason behind the pain. Think of it his way; pain is like the check engine light on your car. Covering up the pain is like placing a post it note over the light. The light is no longer bothering you but the issue with the car is still there. If you ignore it long enough the car will eventually break down. Same happens with your body.
Guidelines for treating back pain:
The American College of Physicians has issued new guidelines for treating back pain. After looking at over 150 cases the following was found
Pain medication should only be prescribed when ALL other options have been exhausted
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is NOT recommended for anything bigger than a minor ache
For acute/ subacute pain
Spinal manipulation by a chiropractor
Chronic pain
Rehabilitation therapy
Core stabilization exercises
Defining your pain:
Acute or subacute pain is shorter than 12 weeks.
Chronic pain is defined as greater than 12 weeks.
Why is it important to treat back pain?
It’s not just about the pain function is also important
Depression and anxiety often follow chronic back pain
Back pain is the most common reason pain meds are prescribed and often lead to addiction and transition to heroin
It won’t happen to me.
At some point in time 80% of adults experience low back pain so chances are you or someone you know is already expiring pain.
Back pain is caused when the spine nerves or discs start to move in a different manner than they should. This may be caused by an accident, lifting something heavy, repetitive motions, poor posture, age, and or disc degeneration.
Except for Yoga and Tai Chi all the guidelines listed above are offered at Susquehanna Spine & Rehab.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482017-06-20 11:48:372017-06-20 11:48:37Alternatives to Pain Medication
I like big [glutes] and I cannot lie. No other chiropractor will deny. When a patient walks in with an in-i-hibited gait, cannot keep pace I get sprung pull up tough ‘cause I know that [glute medius] has inappropriate flexor: extensor ratios.
Ok, so my rhyming is weak, but so is your rear end. When you sit, your glutes are off. By the law of Sheraton’s reciprocal inhibition; your iliopsoas (a hip muscle) is automatically overly activated, which will cause anterior rotation of your sacro-iliac (part of the pelvis) and lumbar spine. This extra torque will lead to back pain. Also in the mix, the paraspinal muscles of your lumbar spine are over-activated triggering painful muscle spasms and loss of motion in your lower back. And the cycle goes on and on.
This process is known as gluteal amnesia. Literally, your butt forgets. What does it forget? Well, it forgets how to maintain proper posture and how to walk without stressing your spine. This leads to injuries and ultimately pain.
How do you jog its memory? Jog. Get up, move around. Jump up and get down, jump around. But really, don’t sit so much. You also need to heal the injuries caused by the weakened muscles, the stress of daily life and the poor posture.
How do we fix it? Well, that’s for me to know and you to find out. Short answer: Physical Therapy. Not so short answer: we have to reverse Sherington’s law with the right mix-a-lot of stretching, strengthening and balance training. I promise my PT skills are much than my free-styling. Much, much better.
(note if you didn’t understand why any of this funny I will introduce you to old school rap)
Know how sometimes you walk into a room in the midst of a conversation and the part you hear makes absolutely no sense, or sounds a little creepy? Well, the other day had you heard me say “we’ll do anything you want, as long as it’s legal;” makes a lot more sense if you knew it was about the types of massage we have available here:
Swedish Massage is the most common type of massage. It involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, and tapping strokes, on the topmost layers of muscles. It’s used to treat sore muscles, tension, stress, and poor circulation. Swedish massage can be both relaxing and energizing.
Deep Tissue Massage is designed to get into the connective tissue of the body, rather than just the surface muscles. It’s best for giving attention to certain painful, stiff trouble spots in your body. It involves slow, deliberate strokes that focus pressure on layers of muscles, tendons, or other tissues deep under your skin. Though less rhythmic than other types of massage, deep tissue massage can be quite therapeutic. It can relieve chronic patterns of tension and help with muscle injuries.
Hot Stone Massage uses smooth, heated stones that are placed on and used to massage the body. Hot stone promotes healing by targeting the deeper layers of muscle through the use of the heated stones. It helps relieve tension, eases muscle stiffness, and increases circulation. Hot stones can be very soothing and relaxing as they transmit heat deep into the body.
Prenatal Massage, also known as pregnancy massage, promotes relaxation, soothes nerves, and relieves strained back and leg muscles in expectant mothers. Prenatal massage is especially beneficial in the second and third trimesters, when the extra weight in your belly puts a strain on your back. Prenatal massage is much like a Swedish massage other than the positioning. In the second and third trimester side-laying will be used. If done in the first trimester, which is not always recommended, pillows will be used while lying on your back. Our therapist has the special certification to be able to administer a prenatal massage.
Orthopaedic Massage is a type of massage which is focused on treating painful conditions which affect the soft tissues of the body. A range of techniques are used to treat these conditions. The massage focuses on problems within the musculoskeletal system. It can release tight muscles, help stretch shortened muscles and tendons, and decompress joints.
Sports Massage main purpose is to help alleviate the stress and tension which builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity. Sports Massage is normally associated with athletes, but is also good for people with injuries, chronic pain or restricted range of motion. A Sports massage often includes various elements of Swedish massage and often incorporates a combination of other techniques involving stretching, compression, friction, toning, and trigger point.
Neuromuscular therapy is applied specifically to individual muscles. It is used to increase blood flow, release trigger points (intense knots of muscle tension that refer pain to other parts of the body), and release pressure on nerves caused by soft tissues. Neuromuscular therapy involves deep pressure that is applied an area until a release is felt.
Call to make an appointment with our licensed massage therapist today Or ask about our massage membership program.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482017-06-05 04:04:552017-06-05 04:04:55Not All Massages Are Created Equal
Not a day goes by I don’t hear “I do plenty of sit-ups, I have a strong core so I don’t know why my back hurts.” Well, muscles can be strong in what’s known as the physic, or moving function, but not so much in the postural state. Poor postural strength leads to poor performance and low back pain. So matter what your stomach looks like on the outside it does not show how strong the core muscles are.
Core stability in fact is not due to the absolute strength of the stomach or back muscles, but how well they produce and maintain pressure especially under loading or movement.
At all times, but especially when trying to move or do things, the abdominal cavity squeezes in not only to keep you from falling but give you a burst. If the core stabilizers aren’t working correctly, then muscles that you’d normally use for activity have to divert from action to stability; kind of like when Capt Kirk would divert all the power to the front shields and then couldn’t jump to hyper-drive to evade the Klingons-or something like that.
The best way to build and maintain good core stability is through physical therapy. Physical Therapy is/should be more than doing a bunch of squats or playing around with a giant rubber band. Physical therapy is a dynamic protocol that addresses and restores pain, posture, mobility, stability, endurance, strength and power. There is s a science behind what muscles are strengthen and how. Our Chiropractors have PT privileges in MD. What does that mean? Chiropractors are able to perform and bill for PT services. Our doctors attend seminars each year to learn the newest PT protocols.
Proper core stability is not achieved by doing sit-ups or hanging upside down like Rocky did in that barn preparing to fight Drago, proper core stability is achieved challenging the small, long-contracting muscles that compress our internal cylinder; under supervision of trained Physical Therapy professionals like our Bel Air Chiropractors.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482017-06-01 06:35:472017-06-01 06:35:476 Pack or Beer Belly
As a San Antonian, a Spur’s fan since before The Admiral’s rookie season; I have mixed emotions when it comes to Msgr. Kerr. Hate-Love-Hate. However, having had treated hundreds to thousands of patients with failed back surgeries, I kinda feel for him.
In an interview Monday, April 24, 2017 head coach Steve Kerr Golden State Warriors shared his story about his back injury. He initially had surgery for a ruptured disc. An injury that can be treated– and we have a lot of patients that have healed from ruptured disc, conservatively with chiropractic and physical therapy. Unfortunately Kerr had complications (way more common than you’d think) and had to have a 2nd surgery. Like they say in racing; “yellows breed yellows;” the same can be said about operations– “surgery breeds surgery.” If you have one, you’re going to have another, even if it goes right. But for Kerr, it didn’t. Like all of our grandfathers told us: measure twice, cut once. Once you’ve had surgery, you can’t un-do it.
“Rehab, rehab, rehab, you know don’t let anybody get in there,” Kerr said. Kerr has advice for those even thinking about having back surgery. “I can tell you if you’re listening out there, if you have a back problem. Stay away from surgery. I can say that from the bottom of my heart.”
How do you treat disc problems with rehab? Spinal decompression applies gentle traction to specific vertebra. It gently separates the vertebrae and creates a vacuum inside the discs. Think about a jelly donut that you pushed the center the jelly leaks out. Decompression sucks the jelly back into place.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482017-05-30 10:40:312017-05-30 10:40:31Surgery or not surgery that is the question
The one phrase I hear that eats my goat more than any other, even more than “we are out of cheese dip;” is: “Yea, I’ve got chronic back pain, but it’s all muscular, there’s nothing that can be done for it.” That’s like saying: “Sure, the men’s room smells, but it’s just the air, there’s nothing you can do about it.” Sure you can, it’s called flushing and bleach.
Muscles don’t just spasm and hurt on their own, it comes from somewhere. There is always a cause. Sometimes the cause is obvious it’s a fall or accident. Sometimes the cause is not as obvious it happens a little over time and you cannot pin point one incident. But finding the cause is key.
Do this. Let’s pretend we are ten years old and make a muscle using your arm. Harder. Squeeze harder. If you did this for a few minutes, it would start to hurt. Now do it for 5, 10, 15 years. Imagine how much it hurts now. When you have something wrong in your low back joints or discs, the muscles spasm to protect the joints; that’s how muscles cause low back pain.
Not only CAN we do something about low back pain caused by muscles we can also treat the cause of the spams. Massage therapy, acupuncture and physical therapy are used to treat the muscle pain and discomfort and chiropractic is used treat the cause of the low back muscle spasm and pain by fixing the joints and discs that are causing it.
How does massage treat back pain? Do I even need to answer that question? It’s like tenderizing meat. We just rub out the knots, pain goes away.
How does acupuncture treat back pain? Some say magic. In reality it depends on what you want to believe I guess. Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that the body is controlled by opposing forces of nature and when they become un-balanced disease ensues. When the needles are placed in just the right spot you regain balance and disease goes away. IDK, it just works. Try it already.
How does PT treat back pain? Physical Therapy works in that a strong and stable back won’t go out. The caveat being, that the exercise absolutely has to be done pain free (so your body doesn’t cheat) in the correct plane and ranges of motion. It’s more than just heading to the gym and tossing the iron around. It involves very precise movements.
How does chiropractic treat back pain? Joints are supposed to move in a very specific way to remain healthy over time. However, because of time, genetics, what you do to and with your body, and sometimes due to what you’re not doing; the joints stop working properly. This stops the natural squeezing of the discs which in turn leads to dehydration. Disc dehydration (desiccation) is the first step to bulging discs, herniated discs, slipped discs, protruded discs, arthritis, degenerative disc disease and a host of other issues. Chiropractic not only un-sticks the joints, but restores the natural squeeze to the disc; bringing them back to life. Chiropractic also stimulates the nervous system to promote healing (think re-booting a computer).
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482017-04-28 07:19:322017-04-28 07:19:32How to Treat Low Back Muscle Pain in Bel Air
Playing Through the Pain Part 3
I’ve attended a few of the NFL chiropractors pre-season training seminars. What I really want to do is be a motorsports chiropractor. A good friend of mine practices right outside of Charlotte. Her patient base is almost exclusively NASCAR drivers and crew. I can’t really relocate to North Carolina, so I fantasize about winning the Powerball and buying my own Indy Car team just so that I can be the team doctor, and get good seats for the 500. I’m even a member of the International Council on Motorsport Science and Medicine. But I also have three of the Read more
Playing Through the Pain Part 2
Back in my day, if we got hurt playing ball; we were promptly examined and diagnosed by a highly trained professional. And by highly trained professional I mean the equipment manager. Our treatments alternated between ‘ice it down’ and ‘walk it off’.
Most of the patients we see are suffering from the long term effects of people who just tried to “walk off”
You’re not made of wine or cheese. More like milk; it won’t get better with just time. Let’s face it every athlete will have an injury at some point in time. But it is important to not just let injuries heal, but HELP them heal. My kids sometimes get injured too.
Example 1: Last season my youngest fell on stage and broke her arm having to get pins to allow it to heal correctly. She came back in 6 weeks from this injury but only because she did rehab. She was cleared by the orthopedic surgeon with no instructions; however she had restricted range of motion. Because her wrist was immobile for weeks she did not have any flexibility. She slowly did exercises to gradually increase the range of motion and the strength in the muscles in the affected area. Then as her arm became stronger she was able to do weight bearing tricks such as a hand stand, cartwheels, round offs and then she built up her strength until she could do a back hand spring. She is 100 % healed with no restrictions and more importantly no pain or restricted motion.
Example 2: My middle daughter was practicing jumps on a concrete floor. Not the best plan but she’s a kid. She bruised her heals. She was even having difficulty walking. Her instructions from Dr. Dad were to wear tennis shoes at ALL times. She was mortified. She even wore tennis shoes to dance. We also used cold laser and manual therapy. She argued and fought so we told her choices were to sit out or dance in tennis shoes for 2 weeks AND do her rehab. She chose my option and her feet healed right up and it has not returned.
Other common injuries that need HELP to heal:
But what can you do as a parent?
The first thing we can do is not do what our first inclination is to do-nothing. Sometimes we think that kids are just “belly-aching” to get out of something. Best rule-immediately ice the injury and have them sit the rest of the day. If there’s still any pain, swelling, deformity, complaints, altered function; if they’ve ‘lost a step’ or anywise not 100% the next day. Bring them in. Remember braces for knees ankles, etc. are not a long term solution.
Why is chiro a good choice for athletes?
We’re not just “back crackers.” We chiropractors (ok, me, can’t speak for everyone) are experts in the biomechanics of the ENTIRE human body. Which means we know if something ain’t right and how to make it right? Look to college and the pros most teams have a team chiropractor on site!
Facebook feelers
– What to do when your kid gets injured
– Chiropractor as a choice for athletes
– Does your kid have Severs?
– Does your kid Osgood sclatters
– My child was released by the orthopedic but they do not have the strength or the range of motion they did before
– My kids seems to always have shin splints
– my kid wears an ankle brace all the time for an old ankle sprain
– my kid wears knee brace for an injury whenever they play
Need an appointment call (443) 512-0025
Playing Through The Pain
When I was in high school I was a cheerleader (Just in case you couldn’t figure it out; Mrs Spine, not Dr. Lee, I know this is a shocker). My senior year I had pretty serious injury I fell directly on to my back from a stunt. My parents took the usual precautions. I went to my paediatrician then therapy and rest for 4 weeks. I was anxious to get back. When my parents asked how I was feeling I answered “great;” this was not true at all! I did not want to be benched so I lied every day. The actual truth was that I was in so much pain that when I got home from a game, all my muscles would tense up and spasm and I physically could not move for about 2 hours. Ultimately I played through the pain and was not patient enough to heal my injury. And I’m still paying for it today. If it wasn’t for my wellness and preventative care with Dr. Lee and Dr. Lam I don’t know what I’d do.
Let’s face it; kid’s sports have gotten more and more serious. Kids are playing more hours per week at a younger age. My own kids dance at a serious level. They are in the studio 5 days weeks for more than two hours per day.
Our kids are active now how we keep our kids healthy?
Technique – proper technique is key in every sport. When children are taught proper technique body mechanics is preserved and they play better and injuries are avoided. Technique is not the most fin part but the basics in every sport should never be skipped.
Diet – anyone who has been at our dance studio have heard me say “you don’t eat you don’t dance” we are very strict on this. All my children must eat a healthy meal before and after practice. This meal contains a good source of protein. You must feed your body. And you are what you eat.
Sleep – My kids have very strict bed times even on the weekends. Your body heals itself when you rest it. Children who stay up late and are constantly tired are at risk for injuries.
Stretching & strengthening – In line with technique, not only should you know how to do whatever it is you’re trying to do, you need to make sure you’re physically able to. General and sport specific conditioning, strengthening are key. “Being in shape” also isn’t a once you’re there you’re there. You have to maintain. Proper stretching allows you to use more of the muscle and lengthens the pulley arm of the muscles and tendons. Making them not only more powerful but more resilient to injury.
Have You Tested Your Brain Health lately?
Many of my long-time fans remember that Magnesium was my favourite vitamin supplement. If you do, then you should remember my John Kerry/Mitt Romney moment when I flipped-flopped to liking Omega 3’s more.
Why do I like Omega 3? Omega 3 (Not 1, not 2 but 3) fatty acids are not just anti-inflammatories, but they are un-inflammatory.
Why is inflammation not my friend? Inflammation is the internal process that facilitates disease and symptoms. It is a complicated and multi-step process. Inflammation is caused by injuries and disease, but also what we eat. Mass produced and processed foods all cause inflammation as does Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids. Basically all the foods we Americans love cause inflammation.
Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9 what is the difference? If you remember chemistry the number tells us the structure and shape of the molecule; so not all Omegas are created equal. The amazing thing about Omega 3’s anti-inflammatory process is it supports the body’s natural healing ability and is also crucial to brain health. Most of you know this. That’s why you take your fish oil.
How do I know if I am getting enough Omega 3? Not only do we need to know if you are getting enough Omega 3 but are you taking the right product? Not all fish oils are created equal. Testing can be done to measure three things. Amount of inflammation, how much Omega 3 is in your cells, and brain health. What if I told you I could have your Brain and cellular health tested by a Nobel Prize nominated military scientist?
How do you measure inflammation and brain health? A prick of the finger gives you a wealth of information. Your brain’s health is measured by looking at essential fatty acid bio markers in your blood cells. These fatty acids are considered essential nutrients in the diet because they are a significant component of the cells that make up your central nervous system. Essentially the cells in the nervous system are made from fatty acid in your diet. To have a healthy nervous system your body requires sufficient levels of certain fatty acids (EPA & DHA) in your blood. A healthy nervous system is needed for proper regulation of all your body’s systems. Measuring and tracking your fatty acid levels over time is one of the most important things you can do to protect and optimize the health of your brain and body.
A healthy brain is an efficient brain. Your brain’s connections can become stronger or weaker over time due to many physical, nutritional, or emotional events. When your brain’s connections become stronger, your cognitive performance improves. Likewise, when you experience stress or nervous system interference, your cognitive performance is reduced.
This assessment also tests the capacity and efficiency of your brain. Focus, attention, memory, processing speed is all measured. A nutritional recommendation can be made, and a few changes to diet and supplements and we can improve your brain health.
The assessment is powered by the Brain Resource® International Database, a scientifically and clinically validated tool utilized by a research network of over 350 scientists. Your results show how you rank compared to others your same age.
Want your brain and cellular health tested for under $100? Let us know. 443-512-0025
Alternatives to Pain Medication
Not that long ago, I wrote “show me someone with a six-pack, and I’ll show you a dysfunctional back.” The news is full of stories of the over use of Opioids or pain medicine. And you have to look no further than Tiger Woods. Take a look at his midsection. The guy has (had) serious hour-glass abs. Well, while that looks amazing at the beach, it also disrupts the diaphragm’s ability to create a piston base allowing the oblique swing to create torque. Instead he relied on his spinal rotation to power those amazing drives. Well, that wore out his back. Herniated some discs; opted for surgery instead of conservative fix; got arrested for DUI of narcotics and barbiturates.
Locally, if you haven’t heard about the problems with heroin and narcotics, you must be living under a rock. We are swamped with opiates. For years pain meds have been handed out like candy as the band aid for all sorts of pain. Unfortunately it’s just that, a band aid a temporary fix. Pain meds do not fix the reason behind the pain. Think of it his way; pain is like the check engine light on your car. Covering up the pain is like placing a post it note over the light. The light is no longer bothering you but the issue with the car is still there. If you ignore it long enough the car will eventually break down. Same happens with your body.
Guidelines for treating back pain:
The American College of Physicians has issued new guidelines for treating back pain. After looking at over 150 cases the following was found
Defining your pain:
Why is it important to treat back pain?
It won’t happen to me.
At some point in time 80% of adults experience low back pain so chances are you or someone you know is already expiring pain.
Back pain is caused when the spine nerves or discs start to move in a different manner than they should. This may be caused by an accident, lifting something heavy, repetitive motions, poor posture, age, and or disc degeneration.
Except for Yoga and Tai Chi all the guidelines listed above are offered at Susquehanna Spine & Rehab.
Maintain Proper Posture
I like big [glutes] and I cannot lie. No other chiropractor will deny. When a patient walks in with an in-i-hibited gait, cannot keep pace I get sprung pull up tough ‘cause I know that [glute medius] has inappropriate flexor: extensor ratios.
Ok, so my rhyming is weak, but so is your rear end. When you sit, your glutes are off. By the law of Sheraton’s reciprocal inhibition; your iliopsoas (a hip muscle) is automatically overly activated, which will cause anterior rotation of your sacro-iliac (part of the pelvis) and lumbar spine. This extra torque will lead to back pain. Also in the mix, the paraspinal muscles of your lumbar spine are over-activated triggering painful muscle spasms and loss of motion in your lower back. And the cycle goes on and on.
This process is known as gluteal amnesia. Literally, your butt forgets. What does it forget? Well, it forgets how to maintain proper posture and how to walk without stressing your spine. This leads to injuries and ultimately pain.
How do you jog its memory? Jog. Get up, move around. Jump up and get down, jump around. But really, don’t sit so much. You also need to heal the injuries caused by the weakened muscles, the stress of daily life and the poor posture.
How do we fix it? Well, that’s for me to know and you to find out. Short answer: Physical Therapy. Not so short answer: we have to reverse Sherington’s law with the right mix-a-lot of stretching, strengthening and balance training. I promise my PT skills are much than my free-styling. Much, much better.
(note if you didn’t understand why any of this funny I will introduce you to old school rap)
Not All Massages Are Created Equal
Swedish Massage is the most common type of massage. It involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, and tapping strokes, on the topmost layers of muscles. It’s used to treat sore muscles, tension, stress, and poor circulation. Swedish massage can be both relaxing and energizing.
Deep Tissue Massage is designed to get into the connective tissue of the body, rather than just the surface muscles. It’s best for giving attention to certain painful, stiff trouble spots in your body. It involves slow, deliberate strokes that focus pressure on layers of muscles, tendons, or other tissues deep under your skin. Though less rhythmic than other types of massage, deep tissue massage can be quite therapeutic. It can relieve chronic patterns of tension and help with muscle injuries.
Hot Stone Massage uses smooth, heated stones that are placed on and used to massage the body. Hot stone promotes healing by targeting the deeper layers of muscle through the use of the heated stones. It helps relieve tension, eases muscle stiffness, and increases circulation. Hot stones can be very soothing and relaxing as they transmit heat deep into the body.
Prenatal Massage, also known as pregnancy massage, promotes relaxation, soothes nerves, and relieves strained back and leg muscles in expectant mothers. Prenatal massage is especially beneficial in the second and third trimesters, when the extra weight in your belly puts a strain on your back. Prenatal massage is much like a Swedish massage other than the positioning. In the second and third trimester side-laying will be used. If done in the first trimester, which is not always recommended, pillows will be used while lying on your back. Our therapist has the special certification to be able to administer a prenatal massage.
Orthopaedic Massage is a type of massage which is focused on treating painful conditions which affect the soft tissues of the body. A range of techniques are used to treat these conditions. The massage focuses on problems within the musculoskeletal system. It can release tight muscles, help stretch shortened muscles and tendons, and decompress joints.
Sports Massage main purpose is to help alleviate the stress and tension which builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity. Sports Massage is normally associated with athletes, but is also good for people with injuries, chronic pain or restricted range of motion. A Sports massage often includes various elements of Swedish massage and often incorporates a combination of other techniques involving stretching, compression, friction, toning, and trigger point.
Neuromuscular therapy is applied specifically to individual muscles. It is used to increase blood flow, release trigger points (intense knots of muscle tension that refer pain to other parts of the body), and release pressure on nerves caused by soft tissues. Neuromuscular therapy involves deep pressure that is applied an area until a release is felt.
Call to make an appointment with our licensed massage therapist today Or ask about our massage membership program.
6 Pack or Beer Belly
Not a day goes by I don’t hear “I do plenty of sit-ups, I have a strong core so I don’t know why my back hurts.” Well, muscles can be strong in what’s known as the physic, or moving function, but not so much in the postural state. Poor postural strength leads to poor performance and low back pain. So matter what your stomach looks like on the outside it does not show how strong the core muscles are.
Core stability in fact is not due to the absolute strength of the stomach or back muscles, but how well they produce and maintain pressure especially under loading or movement.
At all times, but especially when trying to move or do things, the abdominal cavity squeezes in not only to keep you from falling but give you a burst. If the core stabilizers aren’t working correctly, then muscles that you’d normally use for activity have to divert from action to stability; kind of like when Capt Kirk would divert all the power to the front shields and then couldn’t jump to hyper-drive to evade the Klingons-or something like that.
The best way to build and maintain good core stability is through physical therapy. Physical Therapy is/should be more than doing a bunch of squats or playing around with a giant rubber band. Physical therapy is a dynamic protocol that addresses and restores pain, posture, mobility, stability, endurance, strength and power. There is s a science behind what muscles are strengthen and how. Our Chiropractors have PT privileges in MD. What does that mean? Chiropractors are able to perform and bill for PT services. Our doctors attend seminars each year to learn the newest PT protocols.
Proper core stability is not achieved by doing sit-ups or hanging upside down like Rocky did in that barn preparing to fight Drago, proper core stability is achieved challenging the small, long-contracting muscles that compress our internal cylinder; under supervision of trained Physical Therapy professionals like our Bel Air Chiropractors.
Surgery or not surgery that is the question
In an interview Monday, April 24, 2017 head coach Steve Kerr Golden State Warriors shared his story about his back injury. He initially had surgery for a ruptured disc. An injury that can be treated– and we have a lot of patients that have healed from ruptured disc, conservatively with chiropractic and physical therapy. Unfortunately Kerr had complications (way more common than you’d think) and had to have a 2nd surgery. Like they say in racing; “yellows breed yellows;” the same can be said about operations– “surgery breeds surgery.” If you have one, you’re going to have another, even if it goes right. But for Kerr, it didn’t. Like all of our grandfathers told us: measure twice, cut once. Once you’ve had surgery, you can’t un-do it.
“Rehab, rehab, rehab, you know don’t let anybody get in there,” Kerr said. Kerr has advice for those even thinking about having back surgery. “I can tell you if you’re listening out there, if you have a back problem. Stay away from surgery. I can say that from the bottom of my heart.”
How do you treat disc problems with rehab? Spinal decompression applies gentle traction to specific vertebra. It gently separates the vertebrae and creates a vacuum inside the discs. Think about a jelly donut that you pushed the center the jelly leaks out. Decompression sucks the jelly back into place.
To read a full explanation click here. https://susquespine.com/treatment/pain/disc.
How to Treat Low Back Muscle Pain in Bel Air
The one phrase I hear that eats my goat more than any other, even more than “we are out of cheese dip;” is: “Yea, I’ve got chronic back pain, but it’s all muscular, there’s nothing that can be done for it.” That’s like saying: “Sure, the men’s room smells, but it’s just the air, there’s nothing you can do about it.” Sure you can, it’s called flushing and bleach.
Muscles don’t just spasm and hurt on their own, it comes from somewhere. There is always a cause. Sometimes the cause is obvious it’s a fall or accident. Sometimes the cause is not as obvious it happens a little over time and you cannot pin point one incident. But finding the cause is key.
Do this. Let’s pretend we are ten years old and make a muscle using your arm. Harder. Squeeze harder. If you did this for a few minutes, it would start to hurt. Now do it for 5, 10, 15 years. Imagine how much it hurts now. When you have something wrong in your low back joints or discs, the muscles spasm to protect the joints; that’s how muscles cause low back pain.
Not only CAN we do something about low back pain caused by muscles we can also treat the cause of the spams. Massage therapy, acupuncture and physical therapy are used to treat the muscle pain and discomfort and chiropractic is used treat the cause of the low back muscle spasm and pain by fixing the joints and discs that are causing it.
How does massage treat back pain? Do I even need to answer that question? It’s like tenderizing meat. We just rub out the knots, pain goes away.
How does acupuncture treat back pain? Some say magic. In reality it depends on what you want to believe I guess. Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that the body is controlled by opposing forces of nature and when they become un-balanced disease ensues. When the needles are placed in just the right spot you regain balance and disease goes away. IDK, it just works. Try it already.
How does PT treat back pain? Physical Therapy works in that a strong and stable back won’t go out. The caveat being, that the exercise absolutely has to be done pain free (so your body doesn’t cheat) in the correct plane and ranges of motion. It’s more than just heading to the gym and tossing the iron around. It involves very precise movements.
How does chiropractic treat back pain? Joints are supposed to move in a very specific way to remain healthy over time. However, because of time, genetics, what you do to and with your body, and sometimes due to what you’re not doing; the joints stop working properly. This stops the natural squeezing of the discs which in turn leads to dehydration. Disc dehydration (desiccation) is the first step to bulging discs, herniated discs, slipped discs, protruded discs, arthritis, degenerative disc disease and a host of other issues. Chiropractic not only un-sticks the joints, but restores the natural squeeze to the disc; bringing them back to life. Chiropractic also stimulates the nervous system to promote healing (think re-booting a computer).