Susquehanna Spine & Rehab
2105 Laurel Bush Rd #103
Bel Air, MD 21015
Phone: (443) 512-0025
Fax: (443) 512-8844
Monday – Thursday: 8am – 1pm; 3pm – 6pm
Friday: 8am – 12 noon
Same day appointments available!
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- Susquehanna Spine & Rehab does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran status, genetic information, disability or any other protected characteristic under applicable law
- At Susquehanna Spine & Rehab we believe the patient has the right to treatment without discrimination as to race, age, religion, sex, national origin, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, or source of payment. You will be treated with dignity, compassion, and respect as an individual.
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How was your Sleep last Night ?
One of the most common retorts I hear is “I must have slept wrong.” Well, let me put this to bed right now. Steps for sleeping not wrong: 1. Lay down 2. Close your eyes. That’s it. I don’t know what all you people are doing wrong to hurt yourself, but stop it. Now, it’s not covered by insurance and it’s creepy as all get out; but for a fee we’ll have Dr Hicky come over. He will watch you while you sleep and he can take notes on what you might be doing to get hurt. But here are a few pointers that might reduce your risk of injury from just lying there:
Mattress: At one point the thought was the harder the better. People would even put a door under their mattress to firm it up. But at one time your doctor used to recommend what brand of cigs to smoke too. The best mattress is the one that is the most comfortable. You want to Baby Bear it. Not too hard, not too soft, just right. You don’t have to buy the most expensive one on the market, but cheaper is not better either. With mattresses name brands are better. If you’ve never heard of it, you don’t want it. And no matter what they tell you, they don’t last as long as you think. Like tires, 40k mile tires are shot by 30, a 20 year mattress is only good for 15.
Pillows: If you’re throwing down 5 grand on a good quality mattress, you should invest more than $7 on a pillow. Pillows are specially made for either side or back sleeping. They don’t make stomach sleeping pillows because you should never sleep on your stomach. I’m sure they probably do make them, but they shouldn’t. It takes about 2 weeks to break in a pillow, and they last just a couple years, not decades. Pillows also come in sizes. If you are 5 foot and weigh 100 pounds your neck is not the same size as a 6 foot tall 250 pound person.
Now, if you have a good mattress, a good pillow and you didn’t over-indulge the night before; any pain or stiffness lasting more than an hour or two after rising isn’t because of the way you slept. It’s from one of the stressors (physical, chemical, emotional) in your life. And we can fix that. What is happening that you are suffering from micro injuries from the stressors in your life and that is the pain or stiffness you are feeling when you wake up.
Is your head screwed on straight?
How many of us were told growing up our heads weren’t screwed on straight? I hate to be the one to tell you your mom was probably right, but she was probably right. Literally your head may not be on straight. I want you to stop what you’re doing right now and go look in the mirror. Better yet, take a selfie. But no snapchat filters, duck lips, weird angles to minimize the double chin; just a straight face. Look at your ears. Is one higher than the other? Is one rotated forward or back? If so, you have a skull on spine misalignment; essentially your head is not on your spine straight.
Why is alignment important?
When the alignment between the head and spine is not correct it pre-disposes one to headaches, TMJ issues, migraines etc, but in many cases it can screw with your neurology. There are only 2 cranial nerves (nerves whose nucleus originate in the brain and control our most basic functions) that come out the skull. Their exit path is right where head hits neck. If the alignment of the head to spine is not straight these two nerves can get aggravated and when aggravated do not fire correctly.
What do the 2 cranial nerves do?
#1- Cranial Nerve XI aka The Accessory Nerve controls the trapezius muscle. When this nerve goes wonky (that is technical for not working properly), your trap has difficulty dipping your shoulder blade. This prevents you from raising your arm above 90 degrees horizontally and eventually leading to frozen shoulder syndrome. When you go to raise your arm, the rotator cuff muscles do the first 100ish degrees then after that, the trapezius muscle rotates the shoulder blade allowing the last half or so of motion. Key to frozen shoulder; fix your head, fix your arm.
#2 Cranial Nerve X, the Vagus nerve controls all the autonomic functions of the organs and body. The brain tells your body what to do through the Vagus. If the Vagus isn’t right, you’re not right. Common presentations seen with this are: Bell’s palsy, Child development delays, Headaches, Insomnia, MS, POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), Tourette’s, Thoracic outlet syndrome, Upper and lower cross syndrome, Vagal Nerve Disturbances (Digestive, Heart and Lung, Sympathetic and parasympathetic regulation).
How can you fix my alignment?
When the skull on spine misalignment is corrected with a very specific adjustment, many of these symptoms can disappear if not moderated. This may sound too good to be true. But I’ve seen the power of this adjustment with my own eyes; a colleague of mine from Pampa, Texas whose wife suffers from MS. She has been wheelchair bound for 6 of the 10 years I have known them. She uses the wheel chair because she is just not stable enough to walk. True story I helped her out of the wheelchair and a colleague of mine preformed the adjustment. I helped her off the table and she then felt stable enough to walk. She proceeded to walk behind the wheel chair for the remainder of the weekend conference we were attending. Now with regular specific adjustments to her head on neck relationship, she is out of the wheelchair. She’s not cured, they didn’t remove the plaques from her brain, but her nervous system has been optimized allowing her relief.
For the last year now, I’ve attended seminars in Orlando, Dallas, Chicago, and New Orleans perfecting this specific adjustment. If you or a loved one has frozen shoulder, odd neurologic symptoms that can’t be defined or treated, give me a call.
Welcome Dr. Hickey
Dr. Joseph Hickey was born in Pottstown, Pennsylvania which is about an hour outside of Philadelphia. At the age of 12 he moved to Drums, in north eastern Pennsylvania. Dr. Hickey attended Holy Redeemer High School where he ran cross country and track. During this time, he was introduced to chiropractic care when he suffered an injury. He managed to recover quickly with the help of chiropractic care and wished to do the same for others.
Dr. Joseph Hickey graduated from Slippery Rock University in 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. He continued his running career at the University participating in cross country and track. While at home between semesters, he would visit his chiropractor for continued care.
Dr. Joseph Hickey is a 2017 graduate of New York Chiropractic College and is licensed to practice in the state of Maryland with full physical therapy privileges. Dr. Hickey holds certifications in Activator Technique and ConnectX therapy. During the last year of his education, he completed clinical hours working at different clinics around the area of Seneca Falls, New York. While working he furthered his diagnostic skills and chiropractic techniques.
When he is not working, Dr. Hickey enjoys spending time with friends and family; some of his hobbies include running, hiking, cycling, skiing, golfing and video games.
We are very excited for Dr. Hickey to join our team.
What is Laser? According to the esteemed Dr. Evil, it’s a ‘sophisticated heating device.’ While the heat of a laser is good for blowing up spacecraft and for deranged medical doctors to travel in time in an attempt to conquer the world; the light of the laser causes increased cellular stimulation and promotes healing. In short the light has healing properties.
How does laser therapy work?
Laser therapy stimulates injured and dysfunctional tissues. This stimulation leads to increased growth factor response within cells and tissue causing accelerated cell reproduction and increased cell repair. Increased metabolic activity also means an increase in enzyme outputs, oxygen and nutrient availability; AND Stem cell activation.
The unicorn of the medical world is Stem or Stim (plural) cells. Stim cells are a new “buzz” word in health care and rumored to be the next miracle cure. But like anything there are a few issues. First there is debate on where to ethically acquire the stim cells. Second “they” need figure out how to get the cells where to the injury in the body. And third, once 1 and 2 are solved how do you ensure the stems cells work? Why mess around with unknown and un-proven foreign cells when you could just activate ones you already own? Essentially that is what laser therapy does actives your stems cells within your own body to increase healing.
“The Laser”
Veterinarians have been on the forefront of laser therapy and research for the better part of the last two decades. Why Vets? Because people love pets more and they make better patients (except for you of course).
If you’re sitting (or standing) there asking yourself: “Self, would laser be good for me?” The answer is yes. In fact, the only thing that laser isn’t good for treating is tumors/cancer (don’t want to increase the metabolic activity) and maybe a burn, cause of the heat (yes, it’s the light not the heat I said that right? But it does get warm. Heat is a byproduct of energy).
Do you plan to use your feet today?
The shape, flexibility and mobility of different parts of your eye ball determine your sight. Any variation and you might end up thinking that raccoon near the bins is a cute little puppy and boom, you’ve got rabies. That’s why they make glasses. The shape, flexibility and mobility of your feet determine your posture and gait cycle. Any variation and you’ll have foot, ankle, knee, hip, pelvic, low back, mid-back pain and even headaches. That’s why they make orthotics. Orthotics look like regular ol’ insoles (which aren’t worth the foam they’re made of), but are bio-mechanical appliances that are custom made from a mold of your foot to correct your specific foot/feet imbalance.
How do custom orthotics work?
They ensure the correct positioning of the bones in the feet and legs. Also the soft tissues of the hips that hold the leg bones in place are prevented from over-stretching, which can lead to further injury and aggravation. Orthotics also reduces muscle fatigue and may help to promote more efficient muscle performance. Each pair is made custom to each foot. Most people find that even between your two feet the orthotics are different. They provide support and level your body from the ground up. Think of it like leveling the foundation of a home. Custom orthotics are designed to level your feet and give your body a good base to provide support from the ground up.
Who needs orthotics?
Orthotics are a good solution for anyone who uses their feet on a regular basis and wants to protect their body form the feet up.
Athletes of all ages – orthotics increase performance and decrease injury and reduce bounce back time from strenuous workouts
Those who carry extra weight – orthotics relieve the additional stress of the extra weight off the ligaments in their feet and leg.
Jobs that require you to be on your feet– doctors, nurses, teachers, restaurant workers, and warehouse workers find that orthotics prevent foot issues, reduce fatigue, pain and discomfort in feet, legs and back by absorbing and distributing shock to avoid the ‘dead on their feet’ feeling at the end of the day.
Those in pain – plantar fasciitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, other foot pain; meniscus injuries, ACl/PCL, IT band, runner’s/jumper’s knee and other knee issues; hip, SI joint and other low back pains have found that have found tremendous relief-even those who have not found luck previously.
Are orthotics a good solution for me?
Orthotics are a good solution for people of all ages. They are affordable and some insurance companies will cover them. One pair will transfer to multiple shoes. So if you use your feet then orthoics are a good solution for you.
Is a CBD Product Right for me?
What is CBD?
CBD is the healing portion of the cannabis plant. Think Aloe; we have been using the healing aspects of the aloe plant for years internally and external. In fact, as many people probably already know, herbs and plants were not only the original but only source of medicine throughout the vast majority of human existence. CBD is one such example.
What does CBD do?
CBD has been known to slow pain receptors essentially delaying the feeling of pain from reaching your brain. It also is similar to natural Omega fatty acids which decrease inflammation and relieve muscle and joint pain.
Is CBD a drug?
No, CBD is sourced from Hemp not Marijuana. Hemp is the purely legal federally cannabis plant. No special license, no exam, no local legislation. CBD products do NOT contain THC which means no highs, no psychoactive components, and it cannot lead to a positive on a drug test.
CBD creams
CBD creams are easy to use, easy to transport, safe, effect, non-habit forming, and no prescription.
I have _______ can CBD help me?
CBD is a good solution for: Joint pain, muscle pain, inflammation, sprains or strains caused by sports injuries, auto accidents, and arthritis, plain I just woke up and this hurts today.
Will CBD cream make the pain go away permanently?
Pain is always a symptom of a greater problem. Something is causing that pain. CBD cream will alleviate the symptoms but most often patients find the greatest success with coupling the use of the cream with chiropractic and physical therapy visits for a permanent fix. CBD brings the pain and inflammation down to a manageable level and the chiropractic and therapy treatments focus on healing the root cause of the pain.
Injury Recovery
Let’s face it no one has time or the patience to be injured or recover properly from an injury. The most recent Journal of Dance Medicine & Science had an interesting article about the return to full dance activity following therapy for the most common dance injuries. The top 2 limiting factors in returning to activity were: age of the injury and completion of treatment protocol. In short, what kept dancers from getting back to dance were putting off going to the doctor and then not doing what the doctor told them.
This is not just true for dancers. The few dozen snow shoveling injuries I have treated over the years were usually in summer, 10+ years after the storm. Most of my 30 somethings who seek treatment are from high school sports. Many headaches are from old car accidents.
It’s actually true of every disease and disorder. Just ignoring it isn’t the most effective treatment option. Time may heal all wounds, unless MRSA sets in, but it does nothing for herniated discs.
Anyone who listens to me (guess that leaves wife and kids out) has heard me say it’s NOT just about the pain, it’s about recovery. Coming back too early from an injury and/or not finishing the prescribed treatment plan can be dangerous. It usually ends with even more pain than before, even further prolonged recovery time and permanent damage.
Tis the Season for Snow
It’s that time of year when everyone starts losing their mind over a little snow and every other news segment or blog entry is about how to safely shovel snow. Well, I’m not going there. In over 16 years of treating patients on the East Coast the amount of people that I’ve seen hurt themselves shoveling snow is very small compared to those who hurt themselves vacuuming, doing dishes, tying shoes, sneezing, slip n sliding, running down the stairs on Christmas morning in fuzzy socks and busting their backside.
Why is that? Most people do not have the time or patience to recover when they hurt themselves for minor or major injuries. They ignore that pain or “walk it off .“ The pain will subside and stiffness becomes the new norm. The area has not 100% healed and it is now altered. Irritation and i
inflammation build and weakens the area. Stress from daily activities can also cause irritation that your body ignores since it has been conditioned to do so. It keeps building until you sneeze or vacuum or bend down to tie your shoes. The sneeze did not cause the injury; it was just the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Anytime there is stiffness, pain, irritation, decreased range of motion this means there is an injury that needs attention. The smaller the irritation the easier it is to heal. So getting treatment early is wise. Pain is the most motivating reason people call our office but pain is only a symptom of the real injury and only the first step of the process.
IF you hurt yourself, call us right away on (443) 512-0025
Grumpy Baby Syndrome
We had a baby visiting the office a few weeks ago with his mother and grandmother. Like anyone at the front desk would do, the girls and I (Mrs. Spine) up front were laughing and talking to the baby. He is super cute but man was he grouchy. This may have been the grumpiest baby I have ever met. The mom went on to explain that he was grouchy all the time and they were trying different formulas to try to help.
We explained that often times grumpy babies can be adjusted and the effects are amazing. They sleep better. Digestion is improved and acid re-flux decreased, Colic decreases. And ultimately the baby’s mood is greatly improved.
You might be asking: adjusting a baby? This is actually quite common for chiropractors. It is very safe and done very gently. If you think about the birthing process it can be quite traumatic for the infant. Sometimes babies are even “vacuumed” out. This can cause misalignment in the baby’s spine. These misalignment cause the other issues we described. A few chiropractic adjustments can greatly change a child’s entire behavior.
So the same baby came in a few days ago again with his mother and grandmother and of course the girls at the desk were talking to him. He was the happiest baby! He was smiling and laughing at them. His family said the difference is like night and day. He is a happy baby all the time and they are grateful we suggested chiropractic care.
What does Dr. Lee have in common with the Golden State Warriors?
What does Dr. Lee have in common with the Golden State Warriors? Not much really except he can dunk it on LeBron; wait that’s a lie. The real answer: they both use TheraGun to treat debilitating and nagging soft tissue injuries.
What is TheraGun?
It is a hand held devise that vibrates the muscles and breaks up scare tissue. This allows the muscles to move more freely and decreases increases range of motion. In short its trigger point therapy on steroids!
Tell Me The Science:
TheraGun was engineered to effectively treat sore lactic-acid-filled muscles and other muscle-related conditions, as well as activating muscles and joints to achieve a broader range of motion. Studies on chronic pain have showed that deep brain stimulation at frequencies of approximately 30 Hz can produce analgesic effects. The TheraGun’s reciprocating motion runs at a higher frequency (35-40 Hz) than chronic pain (25-30 Hz) with amplitude of ½ inch. The nervous system’s hierarchy is programmed to pay attention to the higher frequency stimulus over the pain stimulus. This is important because the TheraGun’s vibration and amplitude on the body send signals to the brain faster than pain signals can travel. This high frequency vibration actually overrides pain signals. Therefore, for a period of time, pain is significantly decreased.
Who Uses TheraGun?
In addition to Dr. Lee & NBA champions Golden State Warriors daily users include members of elite NCAA programs, MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLS teams, the United States Navy SEALs, the United States Marines Corp, IFBB professional bodybuilders, high school athletes and US Olympians. In addition, the world’s best triathletes, cyclists, runners and Crossfit athletes train harder, recover faster and perform better with TheraGun.
What Conditions Is It Good For?
The official manual, which I read by the way; states that TheraGun is ideal for decreasing muscle stiffness, increasing blood and lymphatic flow, releasing muscle spasms, breaking up scar tissue reducing lactic acid along with treating muscle fatigue, nerve damage, atrophy, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and a range of other ailments.
By other ailments let’s say: Whiplash, trigger points, Rotator Cuff injuries, Piriformis Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica, pinched nerves, Achilles injuries, Tendonitis, IT Band (Runner’s/Jumper’s knee, Snapping hip), Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia, RSD, Hip Pointer, Shin Splints and probably some more.
As always there are a few limitations, the lawyers won’t let us use it on your head, genitals, infants or small children or pregnant women.
It’s loud, it’s intense but it works and it’s safe.