Tag Archives: stress

2020 Wins the most Stressful Year Award

Are you good? Things have been a bit off the chain lately. I think we can all agree 2020 wins the award for the most stressful year. Stress is the body’s response to a threat, real or perceived. Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system (think fight or flight) to help you respond or defend to the issue at hand. However, chronic stress can have physical and mental complications including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, reduced immune function, thyroid disorders, alcoholism, diabetes, anorexia nervosa as well as depression. The top five leading…  
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Stress Should be a Four Letter Word

Everyone is exposed to stress whether it is emotional, physical or environmental. I’m having an emergency, I am really busy, My _____ is driving me crazy (Mrs. Spine wrote this, so I know she doesn’t mean me). You get the point. But all stress, no matter how it starts or how severe, big or small, manifests itself in a physical manner. You may or may not feel it as sore muscles, tightness, restless sleep, cravings to eat (or drink), headaches, pain, etc. Over time these physical manifestations can cause weakness in your body where injuries…  
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Have You Tested Your Brain Health lately?

Many of my long-time fans remember that Magnesium was my favourite vitamin supplement. If you do, then you should remember my John Kerry/Mitt Romney moment when I flipped-flopped to liking Omega 3’s more. Why do I like Omega 3? Omega 3 (Not 1, not 2 but 3) fatty acids are not just anti-inflammatories, but they are un-inflammatory. Why is inflammation not my friend? Inflammation is the internal process that facilitates disease and symptoms. It is a complicated and multi-step process. Inflammation is caused by injuries and disease, but also what we…  
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Chiropractic Care

Why chiropractic care? Learn how chiropractic care can help you live a pain free life. At SSR, we provide a personalized treatment plan for each patient to tend to his/her own needs.


Physical Therapy

Susquehanna Spine and Rehab provides physical therapy and active massage therapy services for pain and injuries in Harford County, MD.



Massage is a powerful tool for helping you to become aware of areas of chronic tension or postural problems, and to understand how these affect your body mechanics.