Are you good? Things have been a bit off the chain lately. I think we can all agree 2020 wins the award for the most stressful year. Stress is the body’s response to a threat, real or perceived. Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system (think fight or flight) to help you respond or defend to the issue at hand.
However, chronic stress can have physical and mental complications including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, reduced immune function, thyroid disorders, alcoholism, diabetes, anorexia nervosa as well as depression. The top five leading causes of death have all been linked to stress: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide. Therefore, therapeutic techniques that reduce the harmful consequences of stress and facilitate effective coping mechanisms are essential to healthy living.
That’s why for years now experts (real ones. Not just the ones on TV), have touted massage and its ability to fight stress. Massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system facilitates the return to homeostasis after an emergency by reversing some of the physiological systems activated during the stress response; resulting in relaxation and recovery from stress.
To help you recover from the stress of 2020 we’re offering massages for only $55. Between now and July 15, purchase as many as you want for you or a friend and use them by December 31st. Call or stop in today! 14:13:052020-07-01 14:13:052020 Wins the most Stressful Year Award
Everyone is exposed to stress whether it is emotional, physical or environmental. I’m having an emergency, I am really busy, My _____ is driving me crazy (Mrs. Spine wrote this, so I know she doesn’t mean me). You get the point. But all stress, no matter how it starts or how severe, big or small, manifests itself in a physical manner. You may or may not feel it as sore muscles, tightness, restless sleep, cravings to eat (or drink), headaches, pain, etc. Over time these physical manifestations can cause weakness in your body where injuries and pain can occur.
77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress
33% feel they are living with extreme stress
48% feel their stress has increased over past 5 years
48% reported lying awake at night due to stress
So what do you do?
Many people like to ignore it. We all know that when you ignore something, it doesn’t go away. It just gets worse until you are forced to do something. So in reality we have two options be counter-intuitive or be proactive.
Being counter-intuitive means not giving in to what you think helps you cope. That means no or at least much less caffeine, sugar, alcohol, junk food etc. Sure, it might be a temporary fix that will make you feel better immediately; yet all these boost cortisol production, which is already being produced by your body in response to stress. In other words, it’s just getting worse long-term.
Being proactive entails regular exercise, regular massage, regular acupuncture, regular adjustments, 7 hours of real sleep and good nutrition. This will ensure your body is in good enough shape to handle the stress. 11:53:522019-01-07 11:53:52Stress Should be a Four Letter Word
Many of my long-time fans remember that Magnesium was my favourite vitamin supplement. If you do, then you should remember my John Kerry/Mitt Romney moment when I flipped-flopped to liking Omega 3’s more.
Why do I like Omega 3? Omega 3 (Not 1, not 2 but 3) fatty acids are not just anti-inflammatories, but they are un-inflammatory.
Why is inflammation not my friend? Inflammation is the internal process that facilitates disease and symptoms. It is a complicated and multi-step process. Inflammation is caused by injuries and disease, but also what we eat. Mass produced and processed foods all cause inflammation as does Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids. Basically all the foods we Americans love cause inflammation.
Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9 what is the difference? If you remember chemistry the number tells us the structure and shape of the molecule; so not all Omegas are created equal. The amazing thing about Omega 3’s anti-inflammatory process is it supports the body’s natural healing ability and is also crucial to brain health. Most of you know this. That’s why you take your fish oil.
How do I know if I am getting enough Omega 3? Not only do we need to know if you are getting enough Omega 3 but are you taking the right product? Not all fish oils are created equal. Testing can be done to measure three things. Amount of inflammation, how much Omega 3 is in your cells, and brain health. What if I told you I could have your Brain and cellular health tested by a Nobel Prize nominated military scientist?
How do you measure inflammation and brain health? A prick of the finger gives you a wealth of information. Your brain’s health is measured by looking at essential fatty acid bio markers in your blood cells. These fatty acids are considered essential nutrients in the diet because they are a significant component of the cells that make up your central nervous system. Essentially the cells in the nervous system are made from fatty acid in your diet. To have a healthy nervous system your body requires sufficient levels of certain fatty acids (EPA & DHA) in your blood. A healthy nervous system is needed for proper regulation of all your body’s systems. Measuring and tracking your fatty acid levels over time is one of the most important things you can do to protect and optimize the health of your brain and body.
A healthy brain is an efficient brain. Your brain’s connections can become stronger or weaker over time due to many physical, nutritional, or emotional events. When your brain’s connections become stronger, your cognitive performance improves. Likewise, when you experience stress or nervous system interference, your cognitive performance is reduced.
This assessment also tests the capacity and efficiency of your brain. Focus, attention, memory, processing speed is all measured. A nutritional recommendation can be made, and a few changes to diet and supplements and we can improve your brain health.
The assessment is powered by the Brain Resource® International Database, a scientifically and clinically validated tool utilized by a research network of over 350 scientists. Your results show how you rank compared to others your same age.
Want your brain and cellular health tested for under $100? Let us know. 443-512-0025 05:05:502017-07-07 05:05:50Have You Tested Your Brain Health lately?