Are custom orthotics right for you?

My oldest is crazy in her growing patterns.  One leg will grow, and then a few weeks later, the other will catch up.  It really creates a problem because the longer leg will look like it is wedged up under her hips that creates an imbalance in the hip, which causes back pain.   I came home from work the other day and she said “Daddy Daddy I put my orthotics in my shoes today and my back didn’t hurt at all.  Those things are awesome!”

footleverlersWell custom orthotics are awesome!  We use them all the time for all sorts of conditions and patients.  These are definitely custom.  We take a mold of your foot and they create the perfect insert for each of your feet.  The goal of orthotics is to support your feet, which support your legs and hips, which in turn support your back.  It’s called the kinetic chain.  Even if your feet do not hurt; the other pain in your body could be caused by your feet.

Why use a custom orthotics?

  • One pair can be moved to multiple shoes
  • They fit in most shoes (even cleats!)
  • Great for athletes
  • Improves golf game
  • Prevents injuries
  • Absorb shock while walking or running
  • Most insurance companies will have coverage

The only bad thing is much like a pair of shoes, they will wear out, and should be replaced about every two years depending on wear.

As most of you know, we use the products we carry in the office.  The shoes I have on now have orthotics in them.   I wear orthotics in ALL my shoes; I don’t even mow the lawn without them.  My daughter wears them in her boots, tennis shoes, and cleats.  My wife never runs without them.

Contact us to find out if custom orthotics are right for you!