Tag Archives: nutrition and wellness

Let ‘Em See You Sweat

In undergrad out west, we didn’t have air conditioning. We had swamp coolers. Anyone who’s ever been in the inter-mountain west knows what I’m talking about; so the remaining 99% have no clue. A swamp cooler is a giant refrigerator size box that sits on top of your house (they do have funny looking window units). The tap water in the UtahMountains felt to be just barely above freezing; so what they do is run it through coils and blow air over it and through the house.

La Leche

Breast milk is kind of like Coke, there’s nothing better than the real thing. When at all possible, breast milk should be the only source of calories for children for as long as possible. Does that mean 17 years old? Probably (ok, definitely) not. But 6-18 months is doable under most circumstances. It’s the perfect food, it has everything you need.

Novolife Cleanse for Caitlin Day 6 And the FInal Day &

Day 6 – so this day was a little hard becuase you had those three wonderful days where you got eat dinner of chicken and vegetables and then you had to start drinnking the cleanse again and only shakes so I thought I would miss the food a lot but becuase of it being later in the week the shakes actually filled me up more and I was not nearly as crappy as I was on Day 2!

Novolife Cleanse for Caitlin day 4 & 5

Day 4&5 – these two days were basically the same for me. I had more energy then I did on the other days and in general since cleansing and I was not craving foods and was full most of the day off the shakes and some almonds and then ate my 400-600 calorie meal at night and felt completely satisfied.

Day 2&3 Novolife cleanse for Caitlin

Day 2 – so this day got alittle bit harder…I noticed I was hungry a little more and was not as energetic but overall I felt better. This was probably the toughest day for me so far. Day 3 – This day was great because I got so excited that I got to have “real” food at the end of the day.

Novolife Cleanse Day 1 for Caitlin our Patient care coordinator

End of the first day of the cleanse and besides being very cold in this freezing office I feel ok. I wasnt too hungry today shakes really were filling. The cleanse portion did not taste that great but it was bearable and got better every time I drank it.

To Kill a Rabbit

To kill a rabbit Not too many of you under 50 might know what that means. Back in the days before the ‘Clear Blue Easy,’ you had to wait till Aunt Flow didn’t show, go to the doctor, pee in a cup and then they’d inject the urine into a rabbit. When you’re pregnant, your body creates a hormone called hCG, which allows your ovaries and uterus to prepare for and maintain pregnancy. Well, the hormone also causes a rabbit’s ovaries to change, so the lab would inject a woman’s…  
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What is Wellness

Wellness. Wellness is a word that people like to throw around a lot. It’s almost become a marketing buzz word. So what is it? I’ll tell you what it’s not: a noun, or even an adjective. It’s not something you achieve or become, it’s not a state of being, but a state of doing; it’s not even a verb, but an adverb. You live it. Wellness is also not just a lack of disease or being sick, it’s the opposite of that. Wellness is also more than just living a…  
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My 2 cents

Jenny McCarthy, THE hottie of my under-grad years; where are you now my beloved Jenny? She’s done a few ‘had to pay the rent’ roles, but usually out stoking the vaccine-autism link debate. Just recently, The Lancet, under extreme pressure, retracted its years old article noting the link. There’s tons of circumstantial and anecdotal evidence in favor, but the official evidence paid for and submitted by the manufacturers of the vaccines and bought politicians says no.

Snack yourself Skinny

Snacking yourself skinny Now that the Olympics have pre-empted most every show on TV, I have found myself channel surfing more than usual. I came across one of the shopping channels with a program titled: “Eat yourself thin.” Since I’m a man, I just kept flipping for another hour or 2, and missed it, but the premise does hold true.

Chiropractic Care

Why chiropractic care? Learn how chiropractic care can help you live a pain free life. At SSR, we provide a personalized treatment plan for each patient to tend to his/her own needs.


Physical Therapy

Susquehanna Spine and Rehab provides physical therapy and active massage therapy services for pain and injuries in Harford County, MD.



Massage is a powerful tool for helping you to become aware of areas of chronic tension or postural problems, and to understand how these affect your body mechanics.