Tag Archives: nutrition and wellness

Great Big Fancy Word of the Day

As many of you know I have 3 little girls that LOVE everything pink. So it goes without saying that Pinky Dinky Doo is one of our favorite shows. Just in case you haven’t seen it (I’ll try not to give it away) Mlle. Dinky Doo goes about telling her little brother and pet Guinea Pig a story using the “Great Big Fancy Word of the Day.” Today’s GBFWDs are ‘acid-base precipitation reaction’. ‘Acid-base precipitation reaction’: Kidney stones. I have been told that the pain from a kidney stone is…  
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Why bother?

This is the time of year when people start telling themselves this is the year that they are going to get in shape, eat right and stop stealing office supplies. And most will have failed the first two goals by the end of the Sugarbowl Halftime Report, and #3 by 4:00 on the first Monday after the holiday. So in other words, don’t bother. The problem with lofty goals is that they are unattainable. Then when you slip, you get depressed and completely give up. Or sometimes people will set…  
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A Three Hour Tour

Not to bore you with the mundane of my life, but in Sunday School lately we’ve been reading from Isaiah. His prolific work is often quoted by the majority of all major religions and is also widely used in history and classic humanities. His biggest claim to fame though was the use of allegories. I have one for you, but unlike the prophet, I won’t make you figure it out yourself…

Fat is Fun

Fun facts about FAT -Your (and yes I’m talking to you) brain is made mostly of fat -Eating fat does not make you fat (eating more calories than you burn, be they fat, carbs or protein makes you fat). -Fat is the primary fuel source for your heart, especially during aerobic activity. -Unsaturated fats (the one’s you can’t see at room temperature) are good for you.

Day 6 of Novalife Kenny

8:00am- Great Monday and not freely hungry or upset because I cant eat.  I am almost done my Nova-life experience and I must say I have tried harder things with no results.  I am telling you its definitely worth the 1 week experience to do the right thing in order to loss weight.

Day 5 of Novalife Kenny

8:00am- I think my stomach is shrinking.  I just got finished drinking the shake and I fill full.  So I am thinking that the Nova-life is working. 12:00pm-  I wanted something to eat so I got a salad. It was huge, but I am upset.  Why you may ask?  Because I sat there with  my very big salad and I could even finish the whole thing.  I am a grown man and can even finish a bowl of lettuce.

Day 3 of Novalife Kenny

8:00am- Back to the great shake and mixed it with the ultra cleanse.  Still all good not ready to break yet 10:00am- Honestly, not really hungry yet 12:00pm- Another shake down and still feeling good.

Kenny Day 2 of NOVALIFE

Day 2 7:30am- Survived the first day and I am right back at it.  I wasn’t hungry at all throughout the night.  I notice that when you have things to do you don’t think about being hungry.  So make sure you do something to stop your cravings. 8:00am-  Still following the novalife program and taking the vitamins, cleanse, and shake.  Believe it or not I am not hungry yet, but I am drinking the shakes and cleanse.

Kenny Day 1 of NOVALIFE

Day 1 7:30am-I am so excited to start the program so I can be on my way to a six pack!  I am not really up for drinking the shakes because I have tried shakes in the past and they were horrible. 8:00am-  Tried the mint chocolate chip shake and its really good.  It really taste like the girl scout mint chocolate chip cookies.  Best part is you don’t even have to add milk to make it taste better.  Water does the trick.

I pulled a John Kerry

In natural and holistic health care provider dating games, contestants are asked questions like: “bachelor #1, if you were a nutritional supplement, what kind of supplement would you be and why?” There was a time I would have said magnesium. Magnesium (Mg) is the Rodney Dangerfield of vitamins and minerals. One could almost say the re-headed step-brother to Calcium (Ca). Without Mg, Ca couldn’t work. They’re co-factors. In addition, Mg helps stabilize blood sugar, blood pressure, muscle tone and the effects of stress on the body.

Chiropractic Care

Why chiropractic care? Learn how chiropractic care can help you live a pain free life. At SSR, we provide a personalized treatment plan for each patient to tend to his/her own needs.


Physical Therapy

Susquehanna Spine and Rehab provides physical therapy and active massage therapy services for pain and injuries in Harford County, MD.



Massage is a powerful tool for helping you to become aware of areas of chronic tension or postural problems, and to understand how these affect your body mechanics.