What stupid thing(s) did you do this summer?

We are all getting back into the daily grind. It’s time to undo all the stupid things you did this summer. Here are mine. (Obviously this edition is brought to you not by Dr. Lee, because he doesn’t do anything stupid…)

#1  I rode roller coasters.

When you are a child this is meant to be fun and in the case of my children they ride them over and over… But as adult, while roller coasters may still be fun they can have repercussions. A roller coaster is nothing more than a semi-controlled car accident. It sounds shocking, but if you actually watch a roller coaster and see what happens to your body, you’ll understand. In my case I have a mini case of whiplash. So I am on a modified treatment plan designed by Dr Lam. He recommends adjustments 2-3 times per week for the next 2-3 weeks to “whip” my neck back in shape. Now you are asking was I in pain?  No, but my neck was tight and I did not have full range of motion when I moved to look over my shoulder it was “uncomfortable;” what many would call a ‘small injury’. However, like Laundry Mountains, small injuries if ignored have a way of growing to where they can get out of control. Like laundry, if we’d just do it then, it wouldn’t take long at all; but if we wait, it takes a while to get it under control.

#2  I ate way too much yummy stuff!

Over the summer my diet of 90% lean meats and vegetables 10% discretionary flipped the other way. I know not a great plan but I had a yummy summer. But now I need to get back on track; however I am really craving brownies right now! My solution is I will do a NovoLife cleanse. I have done these before, but it great to repeat them when you have done something dumb like me and eaten your way through the summer. Once my cleanse is complete, I will really watch what I eat and supplement with protein shakes until I have shed those unwanted pounds. Then I will go back to eating good foods 90% of the time.

#3  I stopped exercising.

Easy to do but I was really lazy most of the summer. Spent a lot of time at the pool turning pages, but nary a lap was swum.  Now that kids are back at school and in rec, I am back on track 3-4 times per week. I even signed up for a 5k to motivate me.

So if you are like me and have done some stupid things this summer or just had way too much fun, please give us a call. We can help with major injuries, small pains, and a few extra pounds.