CBD Cream: A Revolutionary Pain Relief Solution

What is CBD? 

CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol and is a chemical second cousin of anti-inflammatory Omega fatty acids which means it is excellent at healing and pain relief. CBD creams are available as a pain relief medication. CBD or cannabidiol is a legal, non-psychoactive extract from cannabis that research and thousands of years of human experience have shown extraordinary abilities. There’s no THC, so there’s no concern with drug tests, special exams, licenses/fee, altered states or Johnny Law. Essentially you get the healing effects with no drugs or side effects of drugs. We now offer CBD products for retail sale at our office location.

What conditions are CBD pain relief creams used for?

  • joint and muscle pain
  • sports injuries
  • arthritis
  • sprains
  • bruises
  • other types of inflammation.

What about other CBD products? 

CBD products are shown to have great results.  But you get what you pay for. This industry is not regulated by the FDA.  What does that mean?  Basically that the companies self-certify for ingredients, consistency, and results.  Any products sold in a health care office are deemed professional-grade and that means they chose to get a certification and have an outside body verify their products.

Are all CBD products safe?

Yes, however, while these products have no THC if a drug test comes back positive; using CBD products will not be a reason to explain the positive result.  In short, if you are subject to drug testing do NOT use any CBD products except the topical creams.

Note: While this product is great for alleviating pain, we highly recommend it as a supplement to proper chiropractic treatment for healing and prevention of future pain. For more information, or to pick up a jar, visit our office at the address below.