Let’s Go on Vacation


It’s vacation season. This means it’s also ‘I hurt my back and fly to California for 2 weeks tomorrow, please help me season.” For the most part, adjustments are not one-hit-wonders. Every once in a while, you can get the miracle pop, but like rehab and other times you’re trying to make physical changes, it takes time. But hope isn’t lost. We have many adjunctive therapies at our disposal that will get you on that big ol’ jetliner. 

Number one is the laser. As we all learned from Austin Powers, a laser is a sophisticated heating device. Cold (cold not because it doesn’t get hot which it does, but cold because it doesn’t cauterize-I didn’t name it.) laser harnesses the energy from invisible light waves providing a deep heat and stimulates a cellular reaction that reverses inflammation and the pain cycle.

Auricular acupuncture. Eric, our acupuncturist temporarily implants a small stud in the helix of your ear. Just barely the size of a pinhead and sitting up under the folds, no one can see it. It creates a constant stimulation of an acupuncture pain control point.

If you’ve ever watched sports on TV or been to the gym, you’ve probably seen people with fancy colored tape on their bodies. That’s Kinesio tape. AKA Rocktape, K tape, KT tape, or any number of brand names. They’re all the same, or at least I should say all work the same. Working much like the laser, it stimulates a reaction in your body to promote healing and flush out swelling. It’s water-proof and can be worn for up to a week.

In some cases, bracing can be used. Braces stabilize and immobilize the injured/painful area which can result in most cases, immediate relief while you’ve got it on. But when you’ve got a flight to catch, that’s sometimes all you need.

Remember that scene (spoiler alert-it’s only been 30 years) in the 3rd Indiana Jones when the Nazi treasure hunter, according to the Templar, ‘Chose poorly;”and  then melted? Side bar-saw part 1 in the theatre at 8 years old and was haunted for years by the climatic scene. Then following, Junior (the dog was Indiana) selected the humblest of chalices as the Holy Grail. Anyway, the point being, the simplest answer is usually the right answer. Ice is always nice, unless you have frostbite.

In conclusion, it doesn’t matter what’s wrong with you, or the time crunch you’re on; if you’re in pain there’s ALWAYS something we can do to help.