Sports Injury Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Sports Injury Pain Treatment in Bel Air MD
Pain associated with sports is pretty common. Athletes can experience wear & tear / repetitive motion injuries or acute event trauma.
Wear and Tear / Repetitive Motion Injury: Think about some of the sports like lacrosse, baseball, golf, and tennis. The athlete is doing the same motion, with force, over and over multiple times in a game or for prolonged periods like in a tournament. The muscles and tendons are overworked and do not have time to heal before they ae used again.
Acute Event Trauma: These injuries can be pined to an event or game where the athlete knows they “did something” — they turned, wrong, landed wrong, tripped, etc. The athletes sprain their ankle, tears a tendon, and so on.
Either way, sports Injuries are so common. Kids are more active and competitive than they have ever been. They also don’t want to ” miss out” and often return to play too fast or without any treatment. This can cause a chronic or more severe injury.
- Sports & Student Athletes (Soccer, Football, Tennis, Lacrosse, etc.)
- Performance Athletes (Dance, Cheer, Gymnastics, etc.)
- Adult Athletes (Golf, Tennis, Weight Room, etc.)
- Sprains / Strains
- Concussion
Remember broken bones most often heal within 6-8 weeks if you have an injury lasting longer than that it likely needs some help to heal.
Our providers will assess your condition, find the root cause of your pain, and customize a treatment plan. Call today!