Disc Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Spinal Decompression Therapy for Disc Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Treatment for Disc Pain
At Susquehanna Spine & Rehab, we recommend Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression, a revolutionary technology, to treat disc injuries in the neck and back. Spinal Decompression Therapy is very safe and utilizes FDA cleared equipment.
We combine spinal decompression with traditional chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture, and laser for a full comprehensive treatment plan.
How does Spinal Decompression heal disc pain?
#1: Applies traction forces to vertebra in a precise and graduated manner
#2: Gently separates the vertebrae from each other
#3: Creates a vacuum inside the discs that we are targeting.
#4: This “vacuum effect” may reverse the herniated or bulging disc
#5: Promote the diffusion of water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids from the outside of the discs to the inside enabling the damaged disc fibers to begin to heal.
How long does treatment take?
- Each visit is approximately 15-30 min
- The healing happens microscopically each time, but cumulatively, over four to six weeks, the results are quite dramatic
Does the treatment hurt?
- No, the therapy is quite gentle!
- The table is padded and comfortable
- Many patients actually fall asleep
What conditions can Spinal Decompression treat?
- Bulging Discs
- Herniated Discs
- Pinched Nerves
- Sciatica
- Radiating Arm Pain
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Leg Pain
- Facet Syndromes
For research studies, please visit:
Patient testimonials Spinal Decompression:
“As a professional major league pitching coach, I know what pain is. When I injured my back working out I couldn’t do a thing. I got chiropractic care and cortisone shots in my back. They didn’t do much at all. Spinal Decompression treatment worked great, it relieved me of most of my pain. I can workout and pitch. Most of all I’m good enough to get back to my team and hope to have a great season. I recommended Spinal Decompression treatment to all the players on the team who have back pain.”
– Darrel A, San Diego Padres
“I was scheduled for surgery, but luckily I found this decompression therapy. After my treatment, I played 18 holes of golf and hiked 12 miles in one weekend. Without it, I would have been at home on my couch in pain.”
– Mike C.
“I couldn’t walk, sleep, sit, or drive. I had no quality time with my family and I felt less of myself. Now I feel like a new man, I have my confidence and self esteem back. Thanks to Spinal Decompression I am pain free.”
– Tony G.
“I was in severe pain, with a sharp burning sensation in my low back. I feel so much better. I am off pain medications and am able to resume my old life. I was told surgery would be my only hope, but instead it was Spinal Decompression.”
– Erika B.
“I injured my back originally in 1986. I had back surgery in 1990. The pain began to come back gradually. I didn’t want to go through another surgery if I could avoid it. My doctor sent me to physical therapy and exercise, which made me worse. I had several spinal injections which only gave me very short term relief. By this time I was in constant pain. MRI of my lower back showed I had degenerative and bulging discs. My friend recommended I try Spinal Decompression. I’m so glad that I did. Now I feel only minor pain on occasion. Spinal Decompression has allowed me to get back to walking and other things I couldn’t do before. Before anyone has surgery I would tell them to try Spinal Decompression.”
– Barbara O., Home Maker
“My back gave me constant pain for 3 years. I had three herniated and degenerative discs in my low back. Everything I did caused me pain. I tried epidurals, pain management even IDET surgery. I was thinking of getting another surgery. I was also concerned about all the drugs I was taking to control my pain. Within a few visits I began to notice improvement, over the course of treatment my back got better and better. Presently I’m much better, I can exercise and do many things I couldn’t do before Spinal Decompression treatment. This is a great alternative to surgery.”
– Joseph C., Service Rep.