Slipped Disc, Herniated Disc, Bulging Disc Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Slipped Disc, Herniated Disc, Bulging Disc Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Disc conditions are really a descriptive term to define how injured the disc is.
- Dehydration, Degenerative Discs, Thinning: Most wear and tear injuries of the disc start with degeneration.
- Slipped Disc: Not a defined condition but a catch-all term often used to describe the array of disc derangements, all of which are capable of impinging or pinching the nerves.
- Bulging: Inner jelly pushes against the outer disc wall
- Herniation: Inner jelly pushes the outer disc wall out or even through
Causes of Disc Injuries
- Repetitive lifting, pulling, pushing, bending
- Genetics
- Age
- Wear and tear
- Excessive strain or injury
Further Degeneration:
Remember: The discs have two parts a rubbery out layer and jelly inner core. With the degeneration process the out layer is dried and begins to lose integrity and may even crack or tear.
As the degeneration process progresses with wear and tear disc can tear and lose their structural integrity.
- Annular Tear: When outer bands of the disc rip or tear. This can be extremely painful because the outer third of the disc’s outer layer contains many nerve fibers.Symptoms of an Annular Tear:
- A sudden, stabbing, burning pain that evolves into a dull pain.
- It can be felt right over the disc area.
- Sometimes it can cause referred pain which is when you feel in one area but it’s coming from another.
- The cervical spine or disc in the neck refers pain to the shoulder, shoulder blade, and mid-back.
- Lower back discs refer to the hip, buttock, groin, and pelvis.
- Mid-back, or Thoracic discs are much less likely to cause pain, but when they do they tend to refers pain sideways along the ribs, up or down the spine, and/or towards the chest.
- Slipped Disc: This is not a defined condition, but a common phrase used to describe a herniated disc.
- Herniated Disc, Bulging Disc: As the outer, annular fibers of the disc weaken, they can no longer contain the inner nucleus. It’s like stepping on a jelly doughnut or toothpaste with no lid; it squirts out. As with a jelly donut there is not a lot of control over where, when, or how the nucleus goes when it pushes or breaks through the otter wall.The jutting of nuclear material is categorized by an MRI scan as bulging, herniated, protruding, extruding, and or free-floating. These descriptors pertain to their visual appearance and not necessarily to their symptoms or prognosis.
- Bulging Disc: Inner jelly pushes against the outer disc wall
- Herniated Disc: Inner jelly pushes the outer disc wall out or even through
- Protruding/Extruding Disc: More and more of the jelly pushes further and further out.
- Free-floating Disc: The nucleus or jelly of the disc has broken free and is floating in the spinal column.
Symptoms of Slipped Disc, Herniated Disc, Bulging Disc, etc.
When the inner nucleus moves into spaces it was not meant to be pain and sensations can be felt near the disc and down arms and legs all the way to fingers and toes. As the jelly comes out it begins to approach, abut, and then pinch the nerve. All of these irritate the nerve. This can lead to:
- Pain
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Burning
- Weakness
- Hot or Cold Sensation
- Pulling
- Cramping
- Itching
- And the list goes on of sensations that can be felt anywhere or everywhere along the path of that nerve.
Treatment for Herniated Disc, Bulging Disc
As with all injuries, early detection and treatment does make recovery easier. Spinal decompression (link to the treatment page list above) is a great solution. Non-surgical, it creates a vacuum effect, where the inner nucleus or jelly back gets sucked into the disc. PT can also be added to strengthen and heal the surrounding area. As we have outlined disc injuries progressively get worse. There is a point in time where nonsurgical options may not be successful so seek care as soon as you can. Our providers can assess your condition, outline where you are in the degeneration timeline, and explain what your best treatment options are.