Pain-induced Stress and Depression Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Pain-induced Stress and Depression Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Why does stress cause pain?
Stress hurts. In fact, all diseases and disorders are caused by stress. There is more to stress though than just a bran muffin, 2 cups of coffee, and a traffic jam. There are 3 pillars of stress: Physical, Chemical, and Emotional.
- Physical Stress: Physical stress includes injuries, ergonomics, mechanics, posture; what we do all day and how we do it.
- Chemical Stress: Chemical stress consists of our genetics, the food we eat, the air we breathe etc. It also includes what we don’t intake (enough water, vitamins etc).
- Emotional Stress: Emotional stress (Daily Stress, anxiety, depression etc) makes chemical and hormonal changes in our body. These changes fuel inflammation, lead to premature degeneration, weaken joints, and accelerate aging.
Who is affected by stress?
Everybody! Your body’s reaction to stress and injuries, use and abuse of daily activities; genetics, foods you consume, exposures, and how you think and feel all cause or influence pain and diseases.
Treatment for stress-induced pain
All three of these stresses will have an effect on your body, how it functions, how it heals, how it ages etc. The key is to “undo the damage” caused by stress. Acupuncture, massage, and nutritional counseling are all excellent in fighting the bodily changes brought on by stress. Chiropractic and physical therapy repair the tissue damage and pain caused by stress.