Nerve Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Nerve Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Nerve pain is very common. Especially in areas of the body where the nerve pathway is small. What that means is that if you have any repetitive motion, wear and tear, or trauma to that area the nerves are likely affected.
Patients will often feel a shooting, stabbing, or burning sensation, pins and needles, or muscle weakness, and will likely radiate down the affected area. This happens most commonly in the shoulder, hips, and wrist.
Our nervous system is a lot like road names in Harford County, Maryland. The same piece of tarmac will have a different name depending on part of town you are in and which way you’re headed. Nerves, once they leave the spine, are the same way. Depending on where the entrapment is, where you feel it or what it feels like; is how the pinched nerve is named. Some of the more common are Ulnar, Medial, Radial, Peroneal, or any one of the several hundred named and 7 trillion, give or take, unnamed.
Our providers will assess your condition, find the root cause of your pain, and customize a treatment plan. Call today!