Neck Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Neck Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Is your neck stiff? Is your neck sore? Are you having problems looking over your shoulder? Is it hard to see when driving? Do you feel discomfort when looking down at your phone or tablet?
Unfortunately, these are symptoms that many of our patients come into our office with. Although these symptoms seem like they are the main issue, we need to remember that they are just that – SYMPTOMS. A symptom is a result of a medical condition or an injury. We will treat the symptom but our main goal is to heal the cause.
Treatment for Neck Pain
What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit your teeth and carry on? Lie down? Pop a pill and hope the pain goes away? There is a better alternative.
Neck pain is a very common medical condition. The neck pain causes may not always be apparent while you are experiencing neck problems, but that’s where we come in to help.
Our initial goal is to identify the cause of your neck pain and develop a treatment plan.
A neck pain treatment plan has 3 purposes:
#1: To relieve the pain…
#2: To heal the condition causing the neck pain…
#3: To strengthen and stabilize the body in order to prevent it from returning.
Our goal is to stop the headaches or migraines, heal the area, and prevent them from happening.
How do you do all that? Our providers will use multiple services and techniques that work best for you and your condition, including chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, physical therapy such as electric stimulation and manual therapy, physical therapy
exercises, massage therapy, and acupuncture.
Whether you woke up with that annoying crick in neck or you are experiencing severe neck pain that is interfering with your life, we’re here to help. Hurt no more!
What Causes Neck Pain?
- Degenerative Joint & Disc Disease
- Neck strain
- Neck injury such as whiplash
- Herniated/Bulging Disc
- Stenosis
- Pinched Nerve
- Fibromyalgia
- Muscle spasms
- Arthritis
Neck pain is sometimes referred to as “cervical pain” as it pertains to the cervical region of the spine.
“Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had pain in my neck and shoulders, and my heavy backpack certainly did not help throughout my school years. I’ve also had bad posture due to wearing heavy backpacks. Now that I’m an adult, my pain continues, but Dr. Lee is helping me a lot. I have an appointment twice a week, and I can definitely tell a difference. I use pain management along with the tens unit and physical therapy. All three of these services are working great and I’m definitely feeling better. Dr. Lee is very kind and funny, and he always makes me laugh. I feel very comfortable with him as my doctor.”
– Andrea, age 28