TMJ Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Jaw Pain / TMJ Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Do you suffer from TMJ Syndrome (TMD or TMJS)?
- Do you ever complain that it hurts when you chew, open wide to yawn or use your jaw?
- Do you have pain or soreness in front of the ear, in the jaw muscle, cheek, teeth or the temples?
- Does your jaw make loud noises or get stuck or locked as you open it?
- Have you spoken to your dentist about ongoing jaw pain?
There are many reasons why you can be experiencing TMJ pain, and it can often lead to other issues as well.
If so, you may have a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD/TMJD), sometimes also referred to as temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJS) or shortened to TMJ. Many times, TMJ issues will manifest with symptoms other than jaw pain. Headaches, blurred vision, vertigo, ear and hearing problems are also quite common. Our chiropractors have successfully treated hundreds of people just like you, who have tried everything with no relief, or were even told there was nothing that could be done.
Our chiropractors have successfully treated hundreds of people just like you, who have tried everything with no relief or were even told there was nothing that could be done.
TMJ Pain Treatment Client Testimonials
“TMJ was taking over my busy life as a SAHM (stay at-home mom) of two small children. I could barely get through the day due to the pain in my head and jaw. Thank goodness I found Dr. Lee to help me. He explained to me that the TMJ Disorder was caused not only by my clenching and teeth grinding but also by muscle tension in my neck and back. After a few adjustments I started feeling much better, and now I am pain-free. The whole team at Susquehanna Spine & Rehab really cares about their patients. They always made appointments convenient for me allowing me to bring my two children. Dr. Lee is now treating my Plantar Fasciitis that developed during my first pregnancy 6 years ago. Thank you Dr. Lee and staff!”
– Patti, age 38