Hip and Back Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Hip and Back Pain Treatment in Bel Air MD
Why am I experiencing Hip, Back, & Pelvic Pain during or after pregnancy?
The most affected area of a new mom or mom-to-be has to be the lower back and pelvic region. This is where most of the structural changes and new weight distribution occur. These changes more often than not lead to low back pain, Sciatica, Sacro-Iliac (SI) joint and pubic symphysis and round ligament pain.
No matter how you carry the new bundle of joy there is more weight on the front of your body. This adds to the stress and pressure on the lower back. Many women find their posture changes, and some find it difficult to walk.
Does chiropractic adjustment really help with back and pelvic pain associated with pregnancy?
It absolutely does. Wendy was NOT a cheerful pregnant person!
“Oh my, I should not complain because I had three tiny humans and people told me that I was so tiny. But man, everything hurt! I couldn’t sleep, I felt like a Barbie doll that someone was ripping the legs off. My back hurt, my leg joints hurt, I was waddling for heaven’s sake! But regular chiropractic adjustments helped a lot.”