Digestive and Elimination Disorders Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Digestive and Elimination Disorders Treatment in Bel Air MD
What digestive disorders appear in kids?
There is a long list of things that can affect a child’s digestion. All are painful or uncomfortable.
- Abdominal or stomach pain
- Nausea or vomiting
- Constipation, irregularity, or diarrhea
- Bloating
- No appetite
- Feeding problems, or failure to thrive
- Food allergies
- GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux
- Short bowel syndrome
Treatment for Digestive Disorders
Visits to specialists are getting harder and harder to get into and often it can take a while to get answers. Chiropractors have been helping with full body function for years. Think about the anatomy of the spine even on tiny ones. The nerves all flow out of the spine between the vertebrae. If one is just a little out of line, it can cause the nerve to not fire properly thus causing whatever digestive issues.
We had a teen girl who did not have an eating disorder but would vomit when she ate. She was having a hard time keeping any food down. The pediatrician and pediatric gastroenterologist were unable to find a cause or a solution.
After the first adjustment she was able to eat a small meal.
After the second adjustment she was able to eat for a day.
After a few weeks of treatment, she was able to eat normally.