Conditions in Moms Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Conditions in Moms Pain Treatment in Bel Air MD
Being a mom is one of the greatest blessings and moments any mother can achieve.
However, for unto whomsoever much is given, of (her) shall be much required.
During the prenatal period, physical, structural and chemical changes occur, which affect not only the musculoskeletal system, but the entire body as well. These changes include altered posture, shortened muscles, potential muscle imbalances, as well as changes in spinal mobility, bony alignment and function of the entire body.
During the postpartum phase, fluctuating hormone levels combined with additional physical changes as a result of delivery and caring for baby will also result in musculoskeletal concerns, such as excessive joint mobility, potential muscle imbalances, weakness of the core stabilizers and altered spinal mobility and function. Mom’s that have had C sections and/or multiples are even more likely to suffer.
Benefits of treatment during pregnancy
It’s not uncommon for moms to see us when they become pregnant. Pregnancy, or prenatal, care helps to reduce the likelihood of:
- birth trauma
- urinary incontinence during pregnancy and after birth — up to 67% of pregnant women will leak urine (incontinence) when they laugh, sneeze, cough or exercise
- lower back pain — around 50% of pregnant women experience low back pain
- pelvic floor dysfunction, including incontinence, sexual dysfunction and prolapse
- birth complications