Chronic Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Chronic conditions are labeled as pain lasting over three months. Many patients who have chronic conditions are out of answers and feel like they are hitting a dead end. Many patients have just accepted the fact that they will live in pain.
Chiropractic, PT, and acupuncture treatments are great solutions for anyone with a chronic condition. For some conditions like headaches and migraine patients will have fewer or even no more occurrences. For other conditions such as Fibromyalgia, arthritis, and others, care can improve the quality of life by mitigating the pain, allowing you to be more active, with fewer flare-ups.
No matter what your condition our providers can help.
There are many causes and solutions. Our providers will assess your condition, find the root cause of your pain, and customize a treatment plan. Call today!
We can help you feel better. Give us a call or text us today!
Did you know that pain actually changes how your brain functions?
When you feel pain a fear response is triggered. This starts a cycle.
First, we are injured and suffer pain, then the body tries to confront it. But negative emotions are also triggered with pain and the body wants to avoid the pain to protect itself. This then triggers a fear response called “fear avoidance thinking” when the body is afraid to continue to feel the pain. These strong fear emotions along with limited body movement can create a cycle of fear memory which leads to depression and chronic pain. Chronic pain is born when the body and brain are stuck in this cycle of fear and instead of healing the injury, you are left with chronic pain.
It is difficult to get out of the “fear avoidance thinking” however, exercise activates neurons that promote reward behavior. Reward behavior is a natural process where the brain associates stimuli with positive responses (i.e. exercise makes your body happy). This reward behavior is a positive cycle in the brain that replaces fear avoidance thinking. It has been clinically noted that exercise suppresses pain.
The last thing someone wants to do when they feel pain is to move and exercise. This is where PT comes in. Your body does not know the difference between exercise and PT as the positive neurons and the reward behavior responses can happen with PT. This allows you to get the positive effects in a controlled environment to prevent discomfort and further pain. Also, other PT modalities and chiropractic can be used to promote healing and reduce inflammation. The goal ultimately is to continue with the reward response as a pain management tool, strengthen the body and then move the patient to a regular exercise protocol.
This is NOT an all-inclusive list of conditions. If you suffer from any type of pain or limited movement due to injury, age, or genetics, we've very likely helped countless others with the same conditions. If you're in pain, your body is telling you something is wrong. Even if you've been told by others there is no evidence of injury and therefore no treatment option, we can help.
Give us a call or text at 443-512-0025 and we'll figure it out together!