Broken Bones Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Broken Bones Pain Treatment in Bel Air MD
Dr Lee’s kids have had three broken arms. Two of which required surgery. The orthopedic did a great job in fixing the broken bone and ensuring proper healing of the bones. However, after the surgery and casting there was range of motion and strength issues. Problem is when you fracture a bone, you injure more than just the bone itself. The soft tissue too. Casting causes atrophy and often times, physical therapy is also needed.
Treatment after Casting for Broken Bones
Getting the cast off is just the beginning of the healing process. The bone has grown back but is still weak. The area around the fracture is also weak because of the injury and the restriction of the cast. Physical Therapy and laser help solidify the bone and rehab the surrounding area.
We had a patient that was coming in for care for her 5-year-old who had a broken leg and was in walking cast. While in the cast, his gait pattern changed. After the cast was removed, the altered gait pattern lingered as if he was still in the cast.
Dr. Lee noticed he was still walking strangely and recommended physical therapy. Mom said, “Oh I think he will work it out on his own.”
Two weeks later she brought him in for care as his gait pattern did not return to normal. His muscles were too tight and were restricting proper ankle placement while he walked. After a few weeks of PT he was able to walk normally again.