Achilles Tendonitis Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Achilles Tendonitis Pain Treatment in Bel Air, MD
Achilles Tendon
There’s a lot of truth to the fable of the Greek demigod Achilles. Our Achilles tendon, which attaches our calf muscles to our feet, is how we stand, walk, run, jump, and is the lynch pin of our ability to move. Anything happens to it, and we’re down for the count. Like most other tendons, it is subject to time, wear and tear, and of course injury.
What causes issues with Achilles?
Over use and misuse are common causes of Achilles tendonitis. Too much exercise, improper movements, wearing the wrong shoes for the activity or repetitive start/stop movements are the leading causes. Sport injuries or other trauma can cause issues as well.
Treatment for Achilles?
The Achilles tendon is essential for walking and other daily activities so it is very hard to rest it completely. Most often it will need some help to heal properly. Adjustments of the back and lower extremities, physical therapy, laser, dry needling are the foremost treatment options. This will heal the inflammation, mitigate any long term damage the tendon and promote strength in surround arears to prevent the issue from returning. Custom orthotics re a great solution to prevent further occurrence of injury.