Just wanted to drop a quick note wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season & New Year. As usual, it got here before we knew it or were ready (even though it happens at the exact same time every year for at least the last 2000 +/- years).
Susquehanna Spine & Rehab news:
If you haven’t been in, we are missing a wall!
Our lost equipment, I was promised, for the umpteenth time, will be arriving this week. For real this time. Hope you all get a chance to come by and use it.
Keeping with the Christmas theme of no room at the inn, Dr. Lee was turned away from a dozen clinics advertising walk-in booster shots for actually not giving walk-in booster shots; but he did find one and booster is complete.
And finally, not sure how since he gets younger every day, Dr Lee is entering his 20th year in practice.
We are all here normal hours Mon-Thursday this week. Dr. Leone and staff normal hours the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Then it’s 2022 ya’ll.
Just about exactly 16 years ago today, I first signed the lease for 2105 Laurel Bush Road Suite 103. Eight years ago, I occupied Suite 104. By the time you read this, we will have further expanded into #105. Who knows what will happen in 2029? With the new space will be coming new equipment. All new tables. state of the art and luxurious. All are designed with the comfort of female patients in mind and one for the mobility impaired. I’d love for you to come check them out. Though American-made, some of the electronic components are currently on a boat somewhere off the LBC. I’d like to think they’re sipping on some gin n juice with Snoop D-O-double G and his homie Dr. Dre; not just lazily awaiting unloading. So it’ll be a minute before they get here. But you can still come by for a massage, an adjustment, some acupuncture; maybe a little dry needling, laser or shockwave; or even a DOT exam.
Over the years I can’t tell you how many people have asked me if I see more people in the winter from snow shoveling injuries. I’ve seen way-way more injuries from people swerving to avoid deer or just straight-up eating it on the ice. For some reason, must be a guy thing (stubbornness is the leading cause of illness in men), most people like to wait and see if the shoveling pain just goes away on its own. If it still hurts in July, it won’t.
If you’re in pain from a injury, new or old, don’t put it off. Call today.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482021-11-08 13:28:282023-12-14 00:44:28We have made some changes
October 2021. The US Preventative Services Task Force (the official name of ‘them’ and ‘they’) are saying put that daily aspirin away.
A daily regimen of low-dose aspirin to most people at high risk of a first heart attack or stroke had been considered a first-line defense. Now though there’s mounting evidence that the risk of serious side effects far outweighs the benefit. They are also reversing recommendations to take baby aspirin for the prevention of colorectal cancer.
This guidance came from the fact that aspirin is an anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant. Cardiovascular incidents are typically the result of a clog or clot that builds up cutting off blood flow or breaks free then jams stuff up further down the road. Cancer, in short, is the overgrowth of non-descript or ill-formed cells as the result of chronic irritation/inflammation. Inflammation also plays a huge roll in cardiovascular disease (ALL disease actually).
So, it made sense if you could control coagulation and inflammation with a very available, easy-to-take pill; why not? Well, turns out it leads to ulcers, GI disorders; internal and intracranial bleeding.
What if though, something existed that was more of an inflammation preventer than stopper and had anticoagulant properties that didn’t result in bleeding out? It does. Long-time readers have heard me talk up Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil) and its cousin 1-Tetradecanol Complex [(1-TDC) originally a canine supplement sourced from grass-fed beef] for years. And unlike aspirin, these compounds also help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL).
As you’ve heard me say many times before, you have to be careful where you get your supplements. Not all supplements are created equal and companies are not held to strict FDA guidelines. Products sold in our office have been voluntarily certified by the FDA and if you look in my vitamin cabinet at home my family takes the products I recommend. If you’re interested in preventing heart disease, cancer and naturally treat pain; let us know. We’ll send you recommendations.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482021-10-18 12:11:102023-12-14 00:44:43Daily Dose of Fish Oil
School’s back. So is the McRib, and masks. Hopefully, 2 of those 3 are only temporary. Though my kids and I have a differing opinions on what #1 should be. Yet we all know who #2 works for don’t we Mr. Powers?
You are NOT required to wear a mask here, but feel free if you so choose. While only about one-tenth of one percent (< 0.12% per official State stats as of the moment I type this) of new positives are among the fully vaccinated; healthcare providers though were asked by the department of health to once again wear them indoors. Due to the Delta, Mu, and Lambda (not to be confused with the Lambda Lambda Lambda out of Adams College) variants. Despite being fully vaccinated. Just in case. The odds of winning the Powerball are 0.000000000000000013% and we still buy a ticket just in case.
Now that we have the kids sorted, it’s time to get our bodies sorted from summer’s shenanigans. While you’re here, pardon the dust and noise. We are busting through the walls again. Adding more space to spread out and do more.
Health tip: Now that the sun is setting sooner, our natural source of Vit D is waning. 10,000 IU/week, after an initial dosing of 1000 IU/ lb body weight over 3 days; will keep your immune system at tip-topshape, improve mood and fight cancer-causing free-radical oxidants. There’s no reason to be concerned with over-doing Vitamin D either. Yes, while it’s possible, it’s not really likely. Your body isn’t able to absorb over the toxicity level and the leftovers just make their way to the Twin Towers of Dundalk. Not sure which one to get? Ask us. We also have Vit D gummies for kids!
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482021-09-22 10:07:582023-12-14 00:45:01School is Back
All things must come to an end. Eventually even Fast and Furious sequels will cease. As I’m sure we’ve all heard by now, so is Maryland’s State of Emergency. Among many things, the mask mandate and exemptions will soon expire. In the meantime; I have been told, in no uncertain terms by the State Board of Health, until July 1st masks will still be mandatory in health care facilities. I ask that you please comply with this directive. The last thing I need is guys and gals with badges showing up with a pad lock.
After the July 1st, mask wearing will be completely optional. If you so desire to continue wearing one in the office, by all means feel comfortable and wear it proud. As of the time I pen this, the CDC still urges non-vaccinated folks to wear masks in public; please keep that guidance in mind. If you prefer your provider or our staff to wear a mask while we treat you, please ask. Also, we ask that you be kind. As we move into this new phase many will still prefer masks and others will not. Even if you choose not to decide, you have still made a choice (Mrs. Spine & I are arguing about who will get this reference). As always, we wish that all patients feel welcome and comfortable in the office.
On that Thursday, we will all have to start wearing deodorant again, see each other’s smiling faces. Some of you this will be our first time seeing your face! And everyone once again will see how devastatingly handsome I am.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482021-06-21 15:02:072021-06-21 15:02:07Mask Mandate Ends July 1st
So far this week, three different people have walked into the office with new, mysterious pain in the shoulders, neck, and chest post-vaccine. These symptoms have lasted for days to weeks even months, much longer and intense than the typical side effects. All three had been to the hospital and had full cardio and respiratory workups and have no organic disease. To include NO BLOOD CLOTS. So, what is it then?
Well, I’ll tell you. Inflammation; and that’s a good thing, well kind of. Here is the science lesson, vaccines work by tricking the immune system into thinking you have a disease so it knows how to react when you get exposed to said disease. The immune response is regulated through inflammation. Now the tricky part of inflammation is that it isn’t graded; it’s on or off. Inflammation anywhere is inflammation everywhere and sometimes it does not turn off when it should. The body almost gets stuck in an inflammation response.
Pain and disease are also caused by inflammation. What’s been happening is that people who are having these types of side effects already have issues in this area of the body. The funny part is that in most cases it was not intense or you may not have known it was an issue yet. The most common areas are discs, knees, shoulders, or back. The surge of inflammation following administration of the vaccine is setting it off. Out of control inflammation can also cause de novo problems such as costochondritis. Painful inflammation of the ribs and chest that impact breathing.
What do you do about this increase in inflammation? First few days nothing. The reaction is the desired result for the vaccine to be effective. Longer there are things that can help reset the inflammation loop and alleviate the symptoms. Costochondritis responds really well to dry needling. The laser was invented to treat acute inflammation. Chiropractic, PT, massage, and acupuncture all work marvelously in treating bad joints.
I am NOT making any comment about vaccines, vaccine safety, or whether or not you should get it only explaining the reason for these side effects.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482021-05-03 09:51:192021-05-03 09:51:19Why do I have body pain post vaccine?
Dr. Maria Leone was born and raised in Rhode Island. She played D1 Rugby and graduated from The University of Rhode Island with her Bachelor’s in Kinesiology. As a college athlete, Dr. Leone is passionate about athletes playing hard, increasing performance, and preventing injuries. Dr. Leone is graduated from New York Chiropractic College.
During her educational career, she became a proud member of the Omega Phi Chi Honor Society and was awarded the Libero A. Violini Health Center Award granted for her high level of excellence during her clinical tour in the area of patient evaluation, adjustment skills, and aptitude for teaching. She holds an Advanced Certificate in Sports Science and Human Performance along with certificates in Whole Foods Nutrition and Advanced Lower Extremity Evaluation.
She is looking forward to guiding patients to reach their optimal level of health and performance with Chiropractic and Physical Therapy. She is excited to help her patients relieve pain, rehabilitate, increase movement, and live happy active lives. When she is not treating patients, you will find her having fun exploring her surroundings, playing sports, and working out.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482021-03-10 09:21:202021-03-10 09:21:20Welcome Dr. Leone
Back in the 1930s a professor at Cornell Medical school read new research on the theory of trigger points and referred pain. She began experimenting with injecting varying substances into her shoulder to treat her persistent arm pain. It was found that relief did not come from WHAT was injected, but the needle itself that provided relief. After a few years of going around repeatedly stabbing folks with hypodermics causing infections and creating scars; some dude in Canada proposed the following. Instead of using large gauge, large-bore needles, why not try small gauge monofilament (acupuncture) needles? Thus, the birth of Dry Needling.
Is Dry Needling and Acupuncture the same thing?
I am only going to say this once, so listen up. Dry Needling is NOT Acupuncture and Acupuncture is NOT Dry Needling. The only similarity is the tool, and that is because the needles are easy to make and are hygienic. It is like saying Italian and Thai are the same because they both use noodles.
Here is the weird thing. For the longest time, Dry Needling was only considered to be a diagnostic procedure. If you stuck a needle in a painful area and the pain went away; then that area was responsible for the pain. What you were to do with that information no one knew. Except that it made the pain go away. Subsequently, Dry Needling was adopted as an “off the books” treatment. Many thought of it as a little Wild West when it came to treatment protocols. In the past few years, it has become more mainstream and many providers are recommending Dry Needling instead of medications. If we learned anything from Warren G, it is that regulators like to regulate. This year, most states have adopted definitive sets of rules regarding the who, what, when, where, and why of treatment. And Maryland being Maryland, the rules here are among the stringiest.
Guess who has got 2 thumbs and is one of the first certified Dry Needling providers in the State? If you guessed ‘this guy,’ then you are right.
Of course, I try treatments out on her because she is not afraid to tell me what she thinks. She had an issue where she had unexplained arm pain, specifically in her wrist. It was getting increasingly worse over a few days until she could not hold a hairbrush, use a mouse, type, or even open a door handle. We could not remember any type of injury that would cause wrist pain at all. Further examination of the area there was nothing wrong with her wrist. So, I moved up her arm ad when I got up right below the elbow, she started complaining that it hurt worse. We then remembered she had been carrying a laptop, a large one, in a bag on her shoulder and it fell, she caught it on her arm right below the elbow. Exactly where I was touching now. We tried Dry Needling. After one treatment pain was significantly better after a few treatments no pian at all. Now every injury does not get better this fast. This injury was small and she got treatment right away. But Dry Needling can be an effective tool in your treatment plan.
Do the needles hurt? These needles are so thin that most often you do not feel them at all. What you do feel is the plastic guide sleeve that touches your skin. You can not feel the insertion or removal of the needle.
Really, no pain? Most often no. However, if there is extreme pain like in Mrs. Spine’s story the area was so sensitive and inflamed that area hurt to be touched by anything. But after treatment the relief was immediate.
I can’t do blood is there blood? In most cases no. Sometimes there may be a small spot but once cleaned up with an alcohol wipe it’s all gone. Significantly less than a paper cut.
Is it safe? Absolutely. All treatments products and services we offer in our office we use on our family even our kids!
How many needles do you use?
That depends on the area and what is wrong. Could be as little as 1-3.
There is a lot being said about the safety of the vaccine, and I’d be lying if I wasn’t a little worried. I don’t know if this helps anyone make their decision or not, but I used to work in vaccine research. Not the guy who’d take mystery pills for skateboard money; but a lab coat wearing scientist. There’s risk in all treatment options. There’s risk in everything. Heck, you can even die from drinking too much water. So why am I doing it? There’s nothing more in this world I hate more than the middle airplane seat, but there’s nothing more in the world I want to do right now than sit in the middle airplane seat. I’ve read the research (published, not Facebook) and I do believe this to be the course of action that will get life back to normal.
I’m not doing this for me. I’m not in any of the ‘danger’ categories. But I have lots of close contact with lots of different people. The Governor and other leaders have asked us, healthcare providers, to lead the way. Between working to keep people out of surgery and away from Urgent Care or the hospital for pain; we also keep the roadways safe by providing DOT exams along with drug and alcohol testing. I am also doing my part to keep you safe by taking one in the arm, I hope it’s the arm.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482021-01-19 14:37:062021-01-19 14:37:06Dr. Lee Gets Vaccinated
I Want Candy…. (Please see the video on Facebook for a good laugh.)
Do you need it though? How many of us have turned to overindulgence and got the COVID 15 from the COVID-19? More sweets, more take out, more snacks, more of everything. What started as a way to help and support local businesses nearly turned into borderline overdoing it to cope. Needing a little help to unwind now and again isn’t a big deal or even a deal at all. However, When a little used to do it, but a little got more and more, even if you trying to get a little better than before; you’ll end up dancing with Mr. Brownstone. Not sure what Guns N Roses has to do with it, except not seeing them this past summer was one of 2020’s many victims.
Except for maybe Jeff Bezos and shareholders, 2020 hasn’t been kind to anyone and trends show it. Alcohol consumption is up. Sugar consumption is up. Junk food consumption is up. I’m not going to talk about dependency or weight gain. But we will discuss inflammation. I know we talk about inflammation a lot but it is important. In excess (not INXS, another ’80s great) overdoing it leads to the formation of chemicals that can “supercharge” any inflammatory process you already have. They can also create de novo inflammation that can turbocharge any physical or disease process that we may have going on. So, to feel better mentally, overconsumption can physically make you feel worse.
Sitting in front of a laptop at the kitchen table for 8 hours a day is already bad enough. No need to eat a headache or drink a herniated disc. If we keep our ‘medicine’ to no more than 10% of our daily calories (the ones we are supposed to consume, not necessarily the ones we are); we are good. If you think you might need help with chemical dependency or mental health-seek help. If you don’t know who or where we can help with resources.
You want to know what is a not just good but great coping mechanism? Massage so is acupuncture. If you’re looking for a way to deal with 2020, give us a call and give it a try.
Happy Holidays
Just wanted to drop a quick note wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season & New Year. As usual, it got here before we knew it or were ready (even though it happens at the exact same time every year for at least the last 2000 +/- years).
Susquehanna Spine & Rehab news:
We are all here normal hours Mon-Thursday this week. Dr. Leone and staff normal hours the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Then it’s 2022 ya’ll.
We have made some changes
Just about exactly 16 years ago today, I first signed the lease for 2105 Laurel Bush Road Suite 103. Eight years ago, I occupied Suite 104. By the time you read this, we will have further expanded into #105. Who knows what will happen in 2029? With the new space will be coming new equipment. All new tables. state of the art and luxurious. All are designed with the comf
ort of female patients in mind and one for the mobility impaired. I’d love for you to come check them out. Though American-made, some of the electronic components are currently on a boat somewhere off the LBC. I’d like to think they’re sipping on some gin n juice with Snoop D-O-double G and his homie Dr. Dre; not just lazily awaiting unloading. So it’ll be a minute before they get here. But you can still come by for a massage, an adjustment, some acupuncture; maybe a little dry needling, laser or shockwave; or even a DOT exam.
Over the years I can’t tell you how many people have asked me if I see more people in the winter from snow shoveling injuries. I’ve seen way-way more injuries from people swerving to avoid deer or just straight-up eating it on the ice. For some reason, must be a guy thing (stubbornness is the leading cause of illness in men), most people like to wait and see if the shoveling pain just goes away on its own. If it still hurts in July, it won’t.
If you’re in pain from a injury, new or old, don’t put it off. Call today.
Daily Dose of Fish Oil
October 2021. The US Preventative Services Task Force (the official name of ‘them’ and ‘they’) are saying put that daily aspirin away.
A daily regimen of low-dose aspirin to most people at high risk of a first heart attack or stroke had been considered a first-line defense. Now though there’s mounting evidence that the risk of serious side effects far outweighs the benefit. They are also reversing recommendations to take baby aspirin for the prevention of colorectal cancer.
This guidance came from the fact that aspirin is an anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant. Cardiovascular incidents are typically the result of a clog or clot that builds up cutting off blood flow or breaks free then jams stuff up further down the road. Cancer, in short, is the overgrowth of non-descript or ill-formed cells as the result of chronic irritation/inflammation. Inflammation also plays a huge roll in cardiovascular disease (ALL disease actually).
So, it made sense if you could control coagulation and inflammation with a very available, easy-to-take pill; why not? Well, turns out it leads to ulcers, GI disorders; internal and intracranial bleeding.
What if though, something existed that was more of an inflammation preventer than stopper and had anticoagulant properties that didn’t result in bleeding out? It does. Long-time readers have heard me talk up Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil) and its cousin 1-Tetradecanol Complex [(1-TDC) originally a canine supplement sourced from grass-fed beef] for years. And unlike aspirin, these compounds also help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL).
As you’ve heard me say many times before, you have to be careful where you get your supplements. Not all supplements are created equal and companies are not held to strict FDA guidelines. Products sold in our office have been voluntarily certified by the FDA and if you look in my vitamin cabinet at home my family takes the products I recommend. If you’re interested in preventing heart disease, cancer and naturally treat pain; let us know. We’ll send you recommendations.
School is Back
School’s back. So is the McRib, and masks. Hopefully, 2 of those 3 are only temporary. Though my kids and I have a differing opinions on what #1 should be. Yet we all know who #2 works for don’t we Mr. Powers?
You are NOT required to wear a mask here, but feel free if you so choose. While only about one-tenth of one percent (< 0.12% per official State stats as of the moment I type this) of new positives are among the fully vaccinated; healthcare providers though were asked by the department of health to once again wear them indoors. Due to the Delta, Mu, and Lambda (not to be confused with the Lambda Lambda Lambda out of Adams College) variants. Despite being fully vaccinated. Just in case. The odds of winning the Powerball are 0.000000000000000013% and we still buy a ticket just in case.
Now that we have the kids sorted, it’s time to get our bodies sorted from summer’s shenanigans. While you’re here, pardon the dust and noise. We are busting through the walls again. Adding more space to spread out and do more.
Health tip: Now that the sun is setting sooner, our natural source of Vit D is waning. 10,000 IU/week, after an initial dosing of 1000 IU/ lb body weight over 3 days; will keep your immune system at tip-topshape, improve mood and fight cancer-causing free-radical oxidants. There’s no reason to be concerned with over-doing Vitamin D either. Yes, while it’s possible, it’s not really likely. Your body isn’t able to absorb over the toxicity level and the leftovers just make their way to the Twin Towers of Dundalk. Not sure which one to get? Ask us. We also have Vit D gummies for kids!
Mask Mandate Ends July 1st
All things must come to an end. Eventually even Fast and Furious sequels will cease. As I’m sure we’ve all heard by now, so is Maryland’s State of Emergency. Among many things, the mask mandate and exemptions will soon expire. In the meantime; I have been told, in no uncertain terms by the State Board of Health, until July 1st masks will still be mandatory in health care facilities. I ask that you please comply with this directive. The last thing I need is guys and gals with badges showing up with a pad lock.
After the July 1st, mask wearing will be completely optional. If you so desire to continue wearing one in the office, by all means feel comfortable and wear it proud. As of the time I pen this, the CDC still urges non-vaccinated folks to wear masks in public; please keep that guidance in mind. If you prefer your provider or our staff to wear a mask while we treat you, please ask. Also, we ask that you be kind. As we move into this new phase many will still prefer masks and others will not. Even if you choose not to decide, you have still made a choice (Mrs. Spine & I are arguing about who will get this reference). As always, we wish that all patients feel welcome and comfortable in the office.
On that Thursday, we will all have to start wearing deodorant again, see each other’s smiling faces. Some of you this will be our first time seeing your face! And everyone once again will see how devastatingly handsome I am.
Why do I have body pain post vaccine?
So far this week, three different people have walked into the office with new, mysterious pain in the shoulders, neck, and chest post-vaccine. These symptoms have lasted for days to weeks even months, much longer and intense than the typical side effects. All three had been to the hospital and had full cardio and respiratory workups and have no organic disease. To include NO BLOOD CLOTS. So, what is it then?
Well, I’ll tell you. Inflammation; and that’s a good thing, well kind of. Here is the science lesson, vaccines work by tricking the immune system into thinking you have a disease so it knows how to react when you get exposed to said disease. The immune response is regulated through inflammation. Now the tricky part of inflammation is that it isn’t graded; it’s on or off. Inflammation anywhere is inflammation everywhere and sometimes it does not turn off when it should. The body almost gets stuck in an inflammation response.
Pain and disease are also caused by inflammation. What’s been happening is that people who are having these types of side effects already have issues in this area of the body. The funny part is that in most cases it was not intense or you may not have known it was an issue yet. The most common areas are discs, knees, shoulders, or back. The surge of inflammation following administration of the vaccine is setting it off. Out of control inflammation can also cause de novo problems such as costochondritis. Painful inflammation of the ribs and chest that impact breathing.
What do you do about this increase in inflammation? First few days nothing. The reaction is the desired result for the vaccine to be effective. Longer there are things that can help reset the inflammation loop and alleviate the symptoms. Costochondritis responds really well to dry needling. The laser was invented to treat acute inflammation. Chiropractic, PT, massage, and acupuncture all work marvelously in treating bad joints.
I am NOT making any comment about vaccines, vaccine safety, or whether or not you should get it only explaining the reason for these side effects.
Welcome Dr. Leone
Dry Needling
History of Dry Needling
Back in the 1930s a professor at Cornell Medical school read new research on the theory of trigger points and referred pain. She began experimenting with injecting varying substances into her shoulder to treat her persistent arm pain. It was found that relief did not come from WHAT was injected, but the needle itself that provided relief. After a few years of going around repeatedly stabbing folks with hypodermics causing infections and creating scars; some dude in Canada proposed the following. Instead of using large gauge, large-bore needles, why not try small gauge monofilament (acupuncture) needles? Thus, the birth of Dry Needling.
Is Dry Needling and Acupuncture the same thing?
I am only going to say this once, so listen up. Dry Needling is NOT Acupuncture and Acupuncture is NOT Dry Needling. The only similarity is the tool, and that is because the needles are easy to make and are hygienic. It is like saying Italian and Thai are the same because they both use noodles.
Here is the weird thing. For the longest time, Dry Needling was only considered to be a diagnostic procedure. If you stuck a needle in a painful area and the pain went away; then that area was responsible for the pain. What you were to do with that information no one knew. Except that it made the pain go away. Subsequently, Dry Needling was adopted as an “off the books” treatment. Many thought of it as a little Wild West when it came to treatment protocols. In the past few years, it has become more mainstream and many providers are recommending Dry Needling instead of medications. If we learned anything from Warren G, it is that regulators like to regulate. This year, most states have adopted definitive sets of rules regarding the who, what, when, where, and why of treatment. And Maryland being Maryland, the rules here are among the stringiest.
Guess who has got 2 thumbs and is one of the first certified Dry Needling providers in the State? If you guessed ‘this guy,’ then you are right.
It worked for Mrs. Spine:
Of course, I try treatments out on her because she is not afraid to tell me what she thinks. She had an issue where she had unexplained arm pain, specifically in her wrist. It was getting increasingly worse over a few days until she could not hold a hairbrush, use a mouse, type, or even open a door handle. We could not remember any type of injury that would cause wrist pain at all. Further examination of the area there was nothing wrong with her wrist. So, I moved up her arm ad when I got up right below the elbow, she started complaining that it hurt worse. We then remembered she had been carrying a laptop, a large one, in a bag on her shoulder and it fell, she caught it on her arm right below the elbow. Exactly where I was touching now. We tried Dry Needling. After one treatment pain was significantly better after a few treatments no pian at all. Now every injury does not get better this fast. This injury was small and she got treatment right away. But Dry Needling can be an effective tool in your treatment plan.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do the needles hurt? These needles are so thin that most often you do not feel them at all. What you do feel is the plastic guide sleeve that touches your skin. You can not feel the insertion or removal of the needle.
Really, no pain? Most often no. However, if there is extreme pain like in Mrs. Spine’s story the area was so sensitive and inflamed that area hurt to be touched by anything. But after treatment the relief was immediate.
I can’t do blood is there blood? In most cases no. Sometimes there may be a small spot but once cleaned up with an alcohol wipe it’s all gone. Significantly less than a paper cut.
Is it safe? Absolutely. All treatments products and services we offer in our office we use on our family even our kids!
How many needles do you use?
That depends on the area and what is wrong. Could be as little as 1-3.
Dr. Lee Gets Vaccinated
There is a lot being said about the safety of the vaccine, and I’d be lying if I wasn’t a little worried. I don’t know if this helps anyone make their decision or not, but I used to work in vaccine research. Not the guy who’d take mystery pills for skateboard money; but a lab coat wearing scientist. There’s risk in all treatment options. There’s risk in everything. Heck, you can even die from drinking too much water. So why am I doing it? There’s nothing more in this world I hate more than the middle airplane seat, but there’s nothing more in the world I want to do right now than sit in the middle airplane seat. I’ve read the research (published, not Facebook) and I do believe this to be the course of action that will get life back to normal.
I’m not doing this for me. I’m not in any of the ‘danger’ categories. But I have lots of close contact with lots of different people. The Governor and other leaders have asked us, healthcare providers, to lead the way. Between working to keep people out of surgery and away from Urgent Care or the hospital for pain; we also keep the roadways safe by providing DOT exams along with drug and alcohol testing. I am also doing my part to keep you safe by taking one in the arm, I hope it’s the arm.
I Want Candy
I Want Candy…. (Please see the video on Facebook for a good laugh.)
Do you need it though? How many of us have turned to overindulgence and got the COVID 15 from the COVID-19? More sweets, more take out, more snacks, more of everything. What started as a way to help and support local businesses nearly turned into borderline overdoing it to cope. Needing a little help to unwind now and again isn’t a big deal or even a deal at all. However, When a little used to do it, but a little got more and more, even if you trying to get a little better than before; you’ll end up dancing with Mr. Brownstone. Not sure what Guns N Roses has to do with it, except not seeing them this past summer was one of 2020’s many victims.
Except for maybe Jeff Bezos and shareholders, 2020 hasn’t been kind to anyone and trends show it. Alcohol consumption is up. Sugar consumption is up. Junk food consumption is up. I’m not going to talk about dependency or weight gain. But we will discuss inflammation. I know we talk about inflammation a lot but it is important. In excess (not INXS, another ’80s great) overdoing it leads to the formation of chemicals that can “supercharge” any inflammatory process you already have. They can also create de novo inflammation that can turbocharge any physical or disease process that we may have going on. So, to feel better mentally, overconsumption can physically make you feel worse.
Sitting in front of a laptop at the kitchen table for 8 hours a day is already bad enough. No need to eat a headache or drink a herniated disc. If we keep our ‘medicine’ to no more than 10% of our daily calories (the ones we are supposed to consume, not necessarily the ones we are); we are good. If you think you might need help with chemical dependency or mental health-seek help. If you don’t know who or where we can help with resources.
You want to know what is a not just good but great coping mechanism? Massage so is acupuncture. If you’re looking for a way to deal with 2020, give us a call and give it a try.