I still remember our family Christmas picture from when I was 12 years old. The top of my head was even with my 5’6” mother’s chin. Just 9 months later on my first day of 8th-grade football practice for Mountain Valley Middle in Satler, TX; I was 5’10”, 170lbs. A growth spurt so wicked, I today have a marble-sized knob on my knee from Osgood-Schlatter’s. I also have stretch marks so gnarly on my shoulders that I look like I was attacked by the Bear roaming through Fallston.
Anyone else in the same boat as me have stretch marks maybe after kids or after weight loss? Ya’ll remember a few weeks back I talked about a Lipo Laser? How it harnessed the energy from the light wave to stimulate lipolysis (melt fat)? Something else cool about that laser is it’s a dual wave. Meaning we can tune it from fat loss to an aesthetic setting. This stimulates collagen production and smoothing. It can be used to reduce cellulite, tighten skin, lessen the appearance of scars… AND remove stretch marks!
Next time you catch me at the beach, I’ll have the shoulders of an 18-year-old again. If you want to learn more, or for a FREE demo, give us a shout.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/laser1.jpg6991250BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482023-07-12 17:50:002023-12-14 00:40:31Stretch Marks
Diet is a four-letter word. No one really WANTS to do a diet. But sometimes diets and exercise are not as successful as we would like. Most of us, no matter how good of shape we’re in, have a stubborn little area we’d rather not. It’s not your fault, well it is, but it isn’t.
In theory, weight loss is easy. To lose fat and weight, we need to be in a calorie deficit and essentially burn more than we eat/drink. We can control that, but what we can’t control really is what fat and from where it gets burned.
It’d sure be nice though if there was a way to make the body use up some butt and gut. Well, there is. It’s the Invisa Red laser system.
As we all learned from Dr. Evil, a laser is a sophisticated heating device. With all due respect to the Austin Powers universe, a laser is actually a light-emitting device. Light travels in waves, waves are energy. These laser wavelengths supercharge the metabolism and stimulate the fat cells to open and release intra-cellular fat. Fat cells have a better memory than an elephant so you get betters results if you are also watching what you eat and exercising.
Our Invisa Red laser is ready to go. It’s an all-inclusive protocol with proven results. As you all know we use the products we offer and some of our staff are currently in the weight loss program. Results and details are coming soon. Appointments are now available.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/invisa-red.png354674BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482023-06-14 10:51:502023-12-14 00:40:50Diet is a four letter word
Summer is here finally. I always think why is Spring so cold this year and then I remember it’s Maryland and spring is cold every year.
My message for Summer is BE SMART!
Theme Parks: This is NOT the time to wear flip-flops (wait for the surprise twist towards the end). When spending the entire day at a theme park chose footwear that is comfortable but also supportive. I do recommend real tennis shoes. Ol’ Chuck Taylor’s and Vans are not real tennis shoes. I also recommend a visit with us after a visit to the theme park. The physics behind roller coasters that make them fun can also cause neck injuries. If your neck or back hurt after riding a roller coaster you may have whiplash. This occurs when the neck is forcibly bent from front to back or vice versa in rapid succession putting the cervical spine through intense stress and can create injuries to the neck’s tendons and ligaments.
Sun Screen: Don’t forget the sunscreen. No more explanation needed you all know to protect your skin.
Diet & Exercise: Exercise is one of those things that you should not just jump in head first. If you have not exercised all winter or for a few winters don’t hit the gym hard and heavy like you are 20 years old. Cardio, yoga, Pilates, and weight training are all good ideas. With yoga and Pilates remember that flexibility takes time. Cardio is wonderful for heart health, bone health, and overall health. Walking is better than nothing and stair machines are also a great option. When weight training remember that technique is key. Watch your body positions and start with lower weights and build up.
Flip Flops: As a general rule, flip flops are not recommended for any length of time as most do not have any support for your feet & body. It wasn’t actually till the late 1980s that Dr. Lee (The oldest of 3 brothers born in 3 years and 3rd of 8 boy cousins all within 4 years) knew flip flops weren’t for anything other than a weapon of m-less mass destruction. And never really thought of them as acceptable footwear. However, here’s the twist, Dr. Martin was able to find a sturdy, supportive sandal that Dr. Lee doesn’t abjectly hate. You can catch her and our staff sporting them on Flip-Flop Friday. They’re typically distributed through a doctor’s office, and we picked up a lot of them and will start selling them in June. Come in or message us if you are interested.
We have new services coming soon so watch for those messages!
Back when my girls were younger and rode the bus; not a week or even a day, went by without someone blowing past the bus. I wrote down or snapped pics of license plates. Called State Police and Sheriff, even the 1-800-howsmydriving numbers on the back of the perp’s cars. I even sat wondering how can they miss the flashing reds. Now as the preferred provider and examiner for Harford County Public Schools Transportation Department, I still have a vested interest in the safety of school buses.
What’s my point? By the time you read this school will have started for many. Please watch out for the bus. It’s big and yellow, hard to miss. But also watch everyone! Last week there were two accidents in front of our office alone. If you have the luck of having an accident the most common injury in an accident is whiplash.
How do you know if you have whiplash?
What are the Symptoms of Whiplash?
Neck pain and stiffness.
Worsening of pain with neck movement.
Loss of range of motion in the neck.
Headaches, most often starting at the base of the skull.
Tenderness or pain in the shoulder, upper back or arms.
Tingling or numbness in the arms.
The next question we get all the time is At what speed does whiplash occur? Many people think that whiplash only happens at higher speeds. This is not true any time you have a sudden change in direction of your body that causes strain on your neck whiplash can occur even as low as 5mph. You can even get whiplash from riding roller coasters.
Do whiplash symptoms happen immediately? Not always we have seen many cases where the patient feels fine after the accident even for up to 2 years and then headaches start.
How do you know if you need treatment after an auto accident? You likely do if there is damage to your car. Auto accidents can also aggravate old injuries or weaknesses in your body. Auto insurance does cover treatment and the sooner you get treatment the fewer visits you need.
Now that school’s starting and the kiddos are off; our lives will be getting back to the abnormally normal (or normally abnormal). So, it’s time. Time to take care of that back pain, headache, migraine, and old auto accidents we have been ignoring that you thought would go away.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482022-09-08 10:32:562023-12-14 00:41:06How do I know If I have Whiplash?
It’s vacation season. This means it’s also ‘I hurt my back and fly to California for 2 weeks tomorrow, please help me season.” For the most part, adjustments are not one-hit-wonders. Every once in a while, you can get the miracle pop, but like rehab and other times you’re trying to make physical changes, it takes time. But hope isn’t lost. We have many adjunctive therapies at our disposal that will get you on that big ol’ jetliner.
Number one is the laser. As we all learned from Austin Powers, a laser is a sophisticated heating device. Cold (cold not because it doesn’t get hot which it does, but cold because it doesn’t cauterize-I didn’t name it.) laser harnesses the energy from invisible light waves providing a deep heat and stimulates a cellular reaction that reverses inflammation and the pain cycle.
Auricular acupuncture. Eric, our acupuncturist temporarily implants a small stud in the helix of your ear. Just barely the size of a pinhead and sitting up under the folds, no one can see it. It creates a constant stimulation of an acupuncture pain control point.
If you’ve ever watched sports on TV or been to the gym, you’ve probably seen people with fancy colored tape on their bodies. That’s Kinesio tape. AKA Rocktape, K tape, KT tape, or any number of brand names. They’re all the same, or at least I should say all work the same. Working much like the laser, it stimulates a reaction in your body to promote healing and flush out swelling. It’s water-proof and can be worn for up to a week.
In some cases, bracing can be used. Braces stabilize and immobilize the injured/painful area which can result in most cases, immediate relief while you’ve got it on. But when you’ve got a flight to catch, that’s sometimes all you need.
Remember that scene (spoiler alert-it’s only been 30 years) in the 3rd Indiana Jones when the Nazi treasure hunter, according to the Templar, ‘Chose poorly;”and then melted? Side bar-saw part 1 in the theatre at 8 years old and was haunted for years by the climatic scene. Then following, Junior (the dog was Indiana) selected the humblest of chalices as the Holy Grail. Anyway, the point being, the simplest answer is usually the right answer. Ice is always nice, unless you have frostbite.
In conclusion, it doesn’t matter what’s wrong with you, or the time crunch you’re on; if you’re in pain there’s ALWAYS something we can do to help.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482022-07-19 15:50:272023-12-14 00:42:19Let’s Go on Vacation
As we approach the official, unofficial start of summer; I feel that I should remind you of the importance of sunblock, hydration, water safety etc. But I’m not your mom. There is one summertime pet peeve I do have; shoes. Now there are people out there that’ll say we weren’t born with shoes so we don’t need them. We weren’t born with pants either, but they’ve become fairly integral to our lives.
If our feet were wheels, our shoes would be tires. Just because the sun’s out we don’t go around driving on bare rims or worn-out tires with giant holes in them (side-bar, I grew up in Texas and they have stores that sell used tires! Mrs. Spine cannot wrap her head around this idea.) Unless you’re scrubbing in some racing slicks, you should never get used tires. Used shoes are just as big of a no-no. IF shoes have any wear on them do not hand them down to the next kid.
So why am I such a buzz kill? When we stand, walk or run; our feet are supposed to go through a very specific, multi-step movement pattern. Known as gait. One of the things dudes in brimmed hats scope out before placing bets down at Pimlico. As we age, which is anything over 21, or if we’re born with altered structure; our gait patterns change. Becoming less efficient. The thing about the laws of physics is that you cannot escape the laws of physics. So, the forces your gait would have abated are still there, even though your gait is no longer abating them. Resulting in over-stressed legs and spine. PROPER shoes assist this.
What are proper shoes? Not $1 store flip flops or most flip flops. Shoes that have good support for your foot type. Shoes that match your activity. If you plan to walk around Hershey Park all-day tennis shoes would be a good choice. Shoes wear out; much like my tire analogy shoes only last a certain number of miles. If you are someone who works on your feet your shoes will wear out from the inside out. You may notice your legs and back get more tired which is a clear sign it is time to shop. Also, watch for wear patterns on the heels. Remember you get what you pay for. There are some name-brand shoes that are a step above the others. Doc Martins, Rockport, New Balance, Brooks, Hoka are some favorites. (Side not NONE of these shoes pictured fall into the proper shoes category)
What am I saying? Shoes are good for you. Not just your feet, but your knees, hips, and low back too. Not just PROPER shoes, but orthotics as well. I’ll tell you about them in the next newsletter.
This month’s newsletter is brought to us by Dr. Martin. Who admittingly, as a single Millennial female; doesn’t have the arsenal of Gen X, father of 3 lame jokes, and outdated cultural references of Dr. Lee. Ask your kids to explain all the Tik Tok, Kardashian, and mumble rap references.
Many people suffer from sciatica, low back or pelvis pain. Here is one reason why.
The pubic symphysis is one of three joints that make up the pelvis, it is located about a hand’s length below your belly button. The other joints are the SI joints (sacroiliac joints) located on both sides of your low back. All of these joints are easily shifted, just walking on an uneven surface or taking a step off a curb can cause misalignment and inflammation. Adjusting the pelvis has been shown to reduce differences in leg lengths, improve balance, reduce foot pressure differences, reduce differences in gait variables, and improve pelvic postures. It is also quite often the lynchpin in managing nagging, chronic sacroiliac (SI) problems.
For women, the pubic symphysis might require extra attention, especially when trying to conceive or when already pregnant. And especially post-partum. Some of you may have heard Dr. Lee compare the post-pregnant pelvis to Ikea furniture; once you take it out of the box, it’s never going back in the same again. The pelvis is permanently deformed during pregnancy and childbirth, and the pubic symphysis is the torsion point around which it deforms. This can cause undue pressure on the pelvic floor, back pain, and other issues. An adjustment to the pubic symphysis can reduce pressure on the pelvic floor, which can impact the vitality of your reproductive organs, reduce back pain, and have beneficial changes to menstruation. Adjusting the PS is relatively painless and effective and is similar to other adjustments to the back and SI joints.
Guys, no need to feel left out. You too can mess up your PS by sitting, standing, bike riding, walking, lifting, and more. An adjustment to the pubic symphysis can reduce pressure on the pelvic floor, which can impact the vitality of your reproductive organs and reduce back pain.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482022-05-04 09:07:172023-12-14 00:43:01Sciatica, Low back or Pelvis pain
“Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges!” And according to the CDC, the same can be said for masks, for now. New guidance dropped last week, mask usage is now based not on positivity or transmission rate; but on hospitalization. Currently, this leaves about 70% of the country (us included) in the now no longer necessary zone. It appears, that we might finally be on the back 9 of this thing (even though it’s the 9th time saying so).
Mask rules are on and off again more than Ross and Rachel with more permutations than Spiderman movies. Most recently, it was pretty much system-wide recommended due to all the variants. Though the CDC has relaxed their version, we’ve still got the WHO (not The Who, or The Guess Who), NIH, the Feds, the State, the Locals, and regulatory boards.
Not since last summer have any of you been required to dawn a mask. And you still aren’t. You’ve always been welcomed to, and still will if you so choose. On the guidance of the Health Department, we have been. And will continue to do so until we hear from them.
Breaking news, HCPS has now made mask-wearing optional for kids, employees, and visitors. Not sure if this changes anything here or not. But soon, very soon you will be able to gaze upon my good looks.
Have you met Dr. Martin yet? Schedule yourself an appointment and come see her.
Graduated from Northeast College of Health Sciences (Previously New York Chiropractic College) in July 2021. I was born and raised on a small Native American reservation south of Buffalo New York, inspiring me to seek out natural forms of healing the body. I took advantage of my time in school to absorb as much knowledge as I could on how to heal holistically through chiropractic and nutrition. I have been taught many different treatment modalities such as Diversified adjusting, Flexion/Distraction technique, ConnecTX, Activator method, and Webster technique. I am well versed in dealing with different conditions and have the abilities to help with overall wellbeing. I am equipped to treat many demographics including pregnant women, children, and athletes looking to better their performance.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482022-02-23 13:41:452023-12-14 00:44:03Welcome Dr. Martin
By now, we’ve done given up on at least 50% of our resolutions and trying to figure out what the heck we’re going to do with leftover black eye peas (not the dude Fergie and will.i.am ghosted, but the legume you eat once a year because grandma said so).
New Year New Me? Nope, still the same ruggedly handsome son-of-a-gun I’ve always been. There was something new. In 20 years of practice, I’ve never taken more than 1 or at most 2 sick days in a row (there was a time that I had surgery and couldn’t adjust for a few weeks, but was still here every day). Last week when we went to bed and it was pushing 70 outside and by morning it was sub-freezing temps; I left a window open. I awoke to what I thought was just a dry sinus or allergies. But just to be 100% certain, I ran over to Express Care and got tested. Somehow, COVID was able to penetrate my triple-jabbed defenses. After a symptom-free week in the basement, I came to the conclusion that despite the rise in the number of available channels; Roger Waters was right about television choice.
I’m back now. As Susquehanna Spine & Rehab moves into year 16 year, we have some changes coming. More space, new equipment (hopefully it’s on the way), a new Doctor joining us in February, and some new staff. What has not changed is our services, the ability to get you rescheduled and rescheduled easily, and a friendly welcoming environment. Eric and I have been finding great success with post-COVID and post-vaccine aches and pains. More of that in the next newsletter
Did you miss out on the Christmas massage special? Don’t fret, there’ll probably be one for Valentine’s. Come on in to find out.
https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.png00BCwebDev48https://susquespine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Susquehanna-Spine-and-Rehab_340x156px_REV1-300x138.pngBCwebDev482022-01-11 09:30:582023-12-14 00:44:11Happy New Year
Stretch Marks
I still remember our family Christmas picture from when I was 12 years old. The top of my head was even with my 5’6” mother’s chin. Just 9 months later on my first day of 8th-grade football practice for Mountain Valley Middle in Satler, TX; I was 5’10”, 170lbs. A growth spurt so wicked, I today have a marble-sized knob on my knee from Osgood-Schlatter’s. I also have stretch marks so gnarly on my shoulders that I look like I was attacked by the Bear roaming through Fallston.
Anyone else in the same boat as me have stretch marks maybe after kids or after weight loss? Ya’ll remember a few weeks back I talked about a Lipo Laser? How it harnessed the energy from the light wave to stimulate lipolysis (melt fat)? Something else cool about that laser is it’s a dual wave. Meaning we can tune it from fat loss to an aesthetic setting. This stimulates collagen production and smoothing. It can be used to reduce cellulite, tighten skin, lessen the appearance of scars… AND remove stretch marks!
Next time you catch me at the beach, I’ll have the shoulders of an 18-year-old again. If you want to learn more, or for a FREE demo, give us a shout.
Diet is a four letter word
Diet is a four-letter word. No one really WANTS to do a diet. But sometimes diets and exercise are not as successful as we would like. Most of us, no matter how good of shape we’re in, have a stubborn little area we’d rather not. It’s not your fault, well it is, but it isn’t.
In theory, weight loss is easy. To lose fat and weight, we need to be in a calorie deficit and essentially burn more than we
eat/drink. We can control that, but what we can’t control really is what fat and from where it gets burned.
It’d sure be nice though if there was a way to make the body use up some butt and gut. Well, there is. It’s the Invisa Red laser system.
As we all learned from Dr. Evil, a laser is a sophisticated heating device. With all due respect to the Austin Powers universe, a laser is actually a light-emitting device. Light travels in waves, waves are energy. These laser wavelengths supercharge the metabolism and stimulate the fat cells to open and release intra-cellular fat. Fat cells have a better memory than an elephant so you get betters results if you are also watching what you eat and exercising.
Our Invisa Red laser is ready to go. It’s an all-inclusive protocol with proven results. As you all know we use the products we offer and some of our staff are currently in the weight loss program. Results and details are coming soon. Appointments are now available.
It’s Summer
Summer is here finally. I always think why is Spring so cold this year and then I remember it’s Maryland and spring is cold every year.
My message for Summer is BE SMART!
Theme Parks: This is NOT the time to wear flip-flops (wait for the surprise twist towards the end). When spending the entire day at a theme park chose footwear that is comfortable but also supportive. I do recommend real tennis shoes. Ol’ Chuck Taylor’s and Vans are not real tennis shoes. I also recommend a visit with us after a visit to the theme park. The physics behind roller coasters that make them fun can also cause neck injuries. If your neck or back hurt after riding a roller coaster you may have whiplash. This occurs when the neck is forcibly bent from front to back or vice versa in rapid succession putting the cervical spine through intense stress and can create injuries to the neck’s tendons and ligaments.
Sun Screen: Don’t forget the sunscreen. No more explanation needed you all know to protect your skin.
Diet & Exercise: Exercise is one of those things that you should not just jump in head first. If you have not exercised all winter or for a few winters don’t hit the gym hard and heavy like you are 20 years old. Cardio, yoga, Pilates, and weight training are all good ideas. With yoga and Pilates remember that flexibility takes time. Cardio is wonderful for heart health, bone health, and overall health. Walking is better than nothing and stair machines are also a great option. When weight training remember that technique is key. Watch your body positions and start with lower weights and build up.
Flip Flops: As a general rule, flip flops are not recommended for any length of time as most do not have any support for your feet & body. It wasn’t actually till the late 1980s that Dr. Lee (The oldest of 3 brothers born in 3 years and 3rd of 8 boy cousins all within 4 years) knew flip flops weren’t for anything other than a weapon of m-less mass destruction. And never really thought of them as acceptable footwear. However, here’s the twist, Dr. Martin was able to find a sturdy, supportive sandal that Dr. Lee doesn’t abjectly hate. You can catch her and our staff sporting them on Flip-Flop Friday. They’re typically distributed through a doctor’s office, and we picked up a lot of them and will start selling them in June. Come in or message us if you are interested.
We have new services coming soon so watch for those messages!
How do I know If I have Whiplash?
Do I have Whiplash?
Back when my girls were younger and rode the bus; not a week or even a day, went by without someone blowing past the bus. I wrote down or snapped pics of license plates. Called State Police and Sheriff, even the 1-800-howsmydriving numbers on the back of the perp’s cars. I even sat wondering how can they miss the flashing reds. Now as the preferred provider and examiner for Harford County Public Schools Transportation Department, I still have a vested interest in the safety of school buses.
What’s my point? By the time you read this school will have started for many. Please watch out for the bus. It’s big and yellow, hard to miss. But also watch everyone! Last week there were two accidents in front of our office alone. If you have the luck of having an accident the most common injury in an accident is whiplash.
How do you know if you have whiplash?
What are the Symptoms of Whiplash?
The next question we get all the time is At what speed does whiplash occur? Many people think that whiplash only happens at higher speeds. This is not true any time you have a sudden change in direction of your body that causes strain on your neck whiplash can occur even as low as 5mph. You can even get whiplash from riding roller coasters.
Do whiplash symptoms happen immediately? Not always we have seen many cases where the patient feels fine after the accident even for up to 2 years and then headaches start.
How do you know if you need treatment after an auto accident? You likely do if there is damage to your car. Auto accidents can also aggravate old injuries or weaknesses in your body. Auto insurance does cover treatment and the sooner you get treatment the fewer visits you need.
Now that school’s starting and the kiddos are off; our lives will be getting back to the abnormally normal (or normally abnormal). So, it’s time. Time to take care of that back pain, headache, migraine, and old auto accidents we have been ignoring that you thought would go away.
Let’s Go on Vacation
It’s vacation season. This means it’s also ‘I hurt my back and fly to California for 2 weeks tomorrow, please help me season.” For the most part, adjustments are not one-hit-wonders. Every once in a while, you can get the miracle pop, but like rehab and other times you’re trying to make physical changes, it takes time. But hope isn’t lost. We have many adjunctive therapies at our disposal that will get you on that big ol’ jetliner.
Number one is the laser. As we all learned from Austin Powers, a laser is a sophisticated heating device. Cold (cold not because it doesn’t get hot which it does, but cold because it doesn’t cauterize-I didn’t name it.) laser harnesses the energy from invisible light waves providing a deep heat and stimulates a cellular reaction that reverses inflammation and the pain cycle.
Auricular acupuncture. Eric, our acupuncturist temporarily implants a small stud in the helix of your ear. Just barely the size of a pinhead and sitting up under the folds, no one can see it. It creates a constant stimulation of an acupuncture pain control point.
If you’ve ever watched sports on TV or been to the gym, you’ve probably seen people with fancy colored tape on their bodies. That’s Kinesio tape. AKA Rocktape, K tape, KT tape, or any number of brand names. They’re all the same, or at least I should say all work the same. Working much like the laser, it stimulates a reaction in your body to promote healing and flush out swelling. It’s water-proof and can be worn for up to a week.
In some cases, bracing can be used. Braces stabilize and immobilize the injured/painful area which can result in most cases, immediate relief while you’ve got it on. But when you’ve got a flight to catch, that’s sometimes all you need.
Remember that scene (spoiler alert-it’s only been 30 years) in the 3rd Indiana Jones when the Nazi treasure hunter, according to the Templar, ‘Chose poorly;”and then melted? Side bar-saw part 1 in the theatre at 8 years old and was haunted for years by the climatic scene. Then following, Junior (the dog was Indiana) selected the humblest of chalices as the Holy Grail. Anyway, the point being, the simplest answer is usually the right answer. Ice is always nice, unless you have frostbite.
In conclusion, it doesn’t matter what’s wrong with you, or the time crunch you’re on; if you’re in pain there’s ALWAYS something we can do to help.
Go Shoe Shopping
As we approach the official, unofficial start of summer; I feel that I should remind you of the importance of sunblock, hydration, water safety etc. But I’m not your mom. There is one summertime pet peeve I do have; shoes. Now there are people out there that’ll say we weren’t born with shoes so we don’t need them. We weren’t born with pants either, but they’ve become fairly integral to our lives.
If our feet were wheels, our shoes would be tires. Just because the sun’s out we don’t go around driving on bare rims or worn-out tires with giant holes in them (side-bar, I grew up in Texas and they have stores that sell used tires! Mrs. Spine cannot wrap her head around this idea.) Unless you’re scrubbing in some racing slicks, you should never get used tires. Used shoes are just as big of a no-no. IF shoes have any wear on them do not hand them down to the next kid.
So why am I such a buzz kill? When we stand, walk or run; our feet are supposed to go through a very specific, multi-step movement pattern. Known as gait. One of the things dudes in brimmed hats scope out before placing bets down at Pimlico. As we age, which is anything over 21, or if we’re born with altered structure; our gait patterns change. Becoming less efficient. The thing about the laws of physics is that you cannot escape the laws of physics. So, the forces your gait would have abated are still there, even though your gait is no longer abating them. Resulting in over-stressed legs and spine. PROPER shoes assist this.
What are proper shoes? Not $1 store flip flops or most flip flops. Shoes that have good support for your foot type. Shoes that match your activity. If you plan to walk around Hershey Park all-day tennis shoes would be a good choice. Shoes wear out; much like my tire analogy shoes only last a certain number of miles. If you are someone who works on your feet your shoes will wear out from the inside out. You may notice your legs and back get more tired which is a clear sign it is time to shop. Also, watch for wear patterns on the heels. Remember you get what you pay for. There are some name-brand shoes that are a step above the others. Doc Martins, Rockport, New Balance, Brooks, Hoka are some favorites. (Side not NONE of these shoes pictured fall into the proper shoes category)
What am I saying? Shoes are good for you. Not just your feet, but your knees, hips, and low back too. Not just PROPER shoes, but orthotics as well. I’ll tell you about them in the next newsletter.
Sciatica, Low back or Pelvis pain
This month’s newsletter is brought to us by Dr. Martin. Who admittingly, as a single Millennial female; doesn’t have the arsenal of Gen X, father of 3 lame jokes, and outdated cultural references of Dr. Lee. Ask your kids to explain all the Tik Tok, Kardashian, and mumble rap references.
Many people suffer from sciatica, low back or pelvis pain. Here is one reason why.
The pubic symphysis is one of three joints that make up the pelvis, it is located about a hand’s length below your belly button. The other joints are the SI joints (sacroiliac joints) located on both sides of your low back. All of these joints are easily shifted, just walking on an uneven surface or taking a step off a curb can cause misalignment and inflammation. Adjusting the pelvis has been shown to reduce differences in leg lengths, improve balance, reduce foot pressure differences, reduce differences in gait variables, and improve pelvic postures. It is also quite often the lynchpin in managing nagging, chronic sacroiliac (SI) problems.
For women, the pubic symphysis might require extra attention, especially when trying to conceive or when already pregnant. And especially post-partum. Some of you may have heard Dr. Lee compare the post-pregnant pelvis to Ikea furniture; once you take it out of the box, it’s never going back in the same again. The pelvis is permanently deformed during pregnancy and childbirth, and the pubic symphysis is the torsion point around which it deforms. This can cause undue pressure on the pelvic floor, back pain, and other issues. An adjustment to the pubic symphysis can reduce pressure on the pelvic floor, which can impact the vitality of your reproductive organs, reduce back pain, and have beneficial changes to menstruation. Adjusting the PS is relatively painless and effective and is similar to other adjustments to the back and SI joints.
Guys, no need to feel left out. You too can mess up your PS by sitting, standing, bike riding, walking, lifting, and more. An adjustment to the pubic symphysis can reduce pressure on the pelvic floor, which can impact the vitality of your reproductive organs and reduce back pain.
“Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges!” And according to the CDC, the same can be said for masks, for now. New guidance dropped last week, mask usage is now based not on positivity or transmission rate; but on hospitalization. Currently, this leaves about 70% of the country (us included) in the now no longer necessary zone. It appears, that we might finally be on the back 9 of this thing (even though it’s the 9th time saying so).
Not since last summer have any of you been required to dawn a mask. And you still aren’t. You’ve always been welcomed to, and still will if you so choose. On the guidance of the Health Department, we have been. And will continue to do so until we hear from them.
Breaking news, HCPS has now made mask-wearing optional for kids, employees, and visitors. Not sure if this changes anything here or not. But soon, very soon you will be able to gaze upon my good looks.
Have you met Dr. Martin yet? Schedule yourself an appointment and come see her.
Welcome Dr. Martin
Graduated from Northeast College of Health Sciences (Previously New York Chiropractic College) in July 2021. I was born and raised on a small Native American reservation south of Buffalo New York, inspiring me to seek out natural forms of healing the body. I took advantage of my time in school to absorb as much knowledge as I could on how to heal holistically through chiropractic and nutrition. I have been taught many different treatment modalities such as Diversified adjusting, Flexion/Distraction technique, ConnecTX, Activator method, and Webster technique. I am well versed in dealing with different conditions and have the abilities to help with overall wellbeing. I am equipped to treat many demographics including pregnant women, children, and athletes looking to better their performance.
Happy New Year